Category Archives: American adult entertainment

Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer will knock your socks off.

You can buy Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer today. Which is about my experiences as not just a photographer. But also as an adult entertainment writer. For your Kindle or smartphone. The paperback won’t come out for several weeks due to complications with Amazon Support. But this eBook version of Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer is utterly sensational, It is a tour de force that will blow you away. Click here to buy the eBook. You won’t regret it.

pictures of Arianna a del and Renee the book cover girls for Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer.
In Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer, you will be meeting Skie, a 21 year old dancer working out of Platinum Club and Renee who used to dance at Stimmelators. In this book you will be finding out a lot more about Skie and Renee. Who do not fit the typical image of the money hungry topless dancer. Renee for example can build a computer.

Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer will take you into where you have never been before; of the real world of strippers, topless clubs and superstar feature entertainers . Where you will meet their nemesis “the Mothers for a More Boring Nation who want to shut them down. You will discover just how talented and hard working the the movers and shakers of this cutting edge industry are. And how most of them I dealt with were men and women of their word. And contrary to so many wrong preconceptions most Americans have of them, the salt of the earth.

Life of an Adult Exotic Entertainment is about my personal journey to becoming a top photographer and writer in the American adult entertainment industry.

That started with my being the first photographer to bring digital photography into the adult nightclubs in 1996. When digital cameras were viewed as mere toys. It starts at Dollies, a seedy night club near East Saint Louis where one club owner murders his partner. But Dollies soon gains national recognition as one of the most innovative adult night clubs in the U.S. thanks to the willingness of its managers to embrace digital photography. You will meet heroin junkies. Especially Doctor Doom who I’ve dedicated this book to. While learning how Doc overcame his addiction to become a top club manager.

You will be meeting Renee, Life of an Adult Exotic Entertainment Photographer‘s back cover girl who could build a computer. And Skie, the 21 year old girl on the book’s front cover. And how she traveled with me 1000 miles as my photographer’s assistant to help me shoot a Pure Talent Feature Showcase in Providence, Rhode Island.

You will also be meeting Aspen Reign, who’s the only entertainer to ever win Miss Nude World five times. In which the winner gets $25000 first prize money.

And Serenna Star, another grand prize winner of the coveted MIss Nude World title. Who featured in one of my gun articles for Xtreme Magazine. And so many others, such as Leah Layne, who won the Miss Nude Illinois title who oftentimes drank tequila with me out of the bottle. I was there, behind them all. Sharing their dreams and hopes while they were sharing mine. Such as Montana Steele who stayed up all night with me as we plotted and schemed how she could become the next M.S. Texas. And how the next day she came scored a resounding victory after going through a sleepless night.

If you are interested in the multi billion dollar adult industry you are going to want this book. And believe me this new ebook version simply blows away what is coming out in my printed version. And if you think this new ebook is for Kindle owners only, when you get it for your smart phone you will get a reading and visual experience that far exceeds what you can ever experience on a Kindle.

I am not denigrating kindles by a long shot. I own two of them. And almost every night, I read myself to sleep with my Kindle Paper white. But if you get Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer for your smart phone , you will be getting an unsurpassed reading experience that cannot be duplicated on any kindle.

But, you need to get the free Kindle reader application on the purchase page to be able to take advantage of what your smart phone is really capable of.

This book is beautifully formatted. But here’s where your smart phone far exceeds the capability of any Kindle.

Suppose you find the print to be too small. You need your reading glasses. Or even a magnifying glass to read the picture captions. With your smart phone, you use one of two fingers to instantly change the size of the books text. With a kindle you must take one or two steps to change the size of the test. And the pictures? Takes one of two fingers to enlarge the pictures.

And you will want to enlarge the pictures.

Because unlike my upcoming paperback version of “Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer where the images are in black and white. And small pictures at that, my pictures in this ebook are in full color. That you can enlarge to give you all the detail that you won’t be getting in a paperback, no matter who you buy it from.

There’s about fifty pictures in Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer. And most of them are pictures of beautiful exotic entertainers I have personally photographed.

You will be getting all this for just $9.95. Instead of having to wait for the paperback to come out several weeks from now which I will be forced to sell for $20.00. Which is due to the high cost of paper and printing costs that I cannot avoid.

So why on earth would you want to buy this book? When there’s so many that have been written about strip clubs and topless dancers.

  • I was the first to bring digital photography into the adult clubs. (if someone else claims he did I sure haven’t met him).
  • There’s over forty pictures in the ebook in full color
  • I shot the top adult entertainment events in the U.S. such as Nudes-A-Poppin, the Las Vegas Exotic Dancer Expo, Miss Nude World, M.S. Texas and Feature Entertainer Showcases throughout the U.S.
  • Unlike the other professional photographers I rubbed elbows with I wrote over 80 articles for Xtreme Magazine, Exotic Dancer, The Wild Times, and Wood Magazine.
  • I got to know many of the top club owners and entertainers extremely well by staying at their homes. By traveling with them. Staying at their homes on a regular basis. And having many top stays stop over at my apartment such as Leah Layne (Miss Nude Illinois), Montana Steele (M.S. Texas) to do photoshoots, etc.

And because we had the Lost Angels. The first interactive chat room in which our members could send full color pictures to each other long before Facebook ever saw the light of day. We called ourselves the only game in town then.

But all this amounts to is bragging rights. The main reason many or you will want to buy this book is because it represents a view of strippers, topless club owners, and all the other movers and shakers of the adult entertainment world has never been told before. And if it has, certainly not in the totality you will be getting here. Because by the time you finish reading Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer, you will have be viewing the club owners, top photographers, the exotic entertainers and other movers and shakers of the American Adult entertainment world as the good guys, and those who want to destroy the adult night clubs and all the great entertainment they have provided as so many warped misguided control freaks who I will forever be calling the “Mothers for a More Boring Nation”.

Links you will probably want to visit
Aspen Reign, “Magician in the Pursuit of Excellence
Skie Rising Star at the Platinum Club
Twenty-four hours of Leah Layne Land
Renee (the book’s back cover model) , becomes Delirious Delilah Unveiled as Lost Angels Chat 2000 Woman of the Year