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Soi Six Smoke and Kisses bar is seriously underrated.

Although it less noticeable than Toybox or Repent Soi Six, Smoke and Kisses is one of the most underrated bars in Pattaya.

Two Pattaya Beaches Eye Candy calendar girls worked at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses
I met Phang and Gee, two of the 2023 Pattaya Beaches calendar girls at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses

It’s pretty quiet in Smoke and Kisses when you compare it to its next-door neighbor, Repent Bar. Or Toybox a few bars down the street. Which is a good thing.

The bar’s restaurant is not nearly as busy for one thing. Which when you gotta go, you gotta go. And it’s no fun waiting in line to take care of nature’s needs. Yet, out of all the Soi Six bars, I’ve gotten a lot closer to the Smoke and Kisses girls than I have in any other bar. I would consider Phang to name just one example as the wisest and fairest out of all the bar girls I’ve met. While Jee Jee stayed one month with me during the first lockdown. And Gee (not to be confused with Jee Jee)? Let me put it this way. If Gee didn’t exist, I might just have to invent her.

Soi Six Smoke and Kisses has a lot of continuity that few Soi Six bars have. It’s had the same owner for years. Who also owns Smoke and Mirrors and Lollytop Bar. As well as a new bar in Phuket. While Anna’s been mamasan at Smoke and Kisses for at least seven years. Smoke and Kisses also has the same cashier for years. And like Anna I’ve known the cashier for at least seven years.

I will make no secret of the fact that I immensely prefer small ladies and both Anna and ___ at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses have known this for as long as I remember them.

I know the cashier so well that I think I can tell her my darkest secrets and she won’t tell anyone. And although I’m not as certain about Anna keeping all my secrets, I will never forget how she brought me flowers at the first Pattaya Dancing Queen competition. Which Nikky and I held on my 75th birthday. Or how well Anna looked after Gee. Bringing Gee to the competition and taking her home afterwards. Or looking after Gee during the second Pattaya Dancing Queen competition. And taking Koy home after the big party ended.

Just take my word for it. Soi Six Smoke and Kisses is one of the most underrated bars on Soi Six.

But don’t take my word for it. Watch all these videos and decide for yourself.

Who is the number one crazy girl at Soi Six Smoke and Kisses? Phang or Gee?
Soi Six Dancing Machine is Gee from Smoke and Kisses
Mew at Smoke and Kisses but it’s ___ the cashier who appears in this thumbnail.

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