Category Archives: Observations

Stop Koch Brothers from stealing America. Vote Democrat

Stop Koch Brothers from stealing this next election.  This is why Americans need to know exactly what this pair of miscreants are doing.  And take action.

 Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire comes this picture of the two Koch Brothers who are injecting close to 1 billion dollars into Republican Party campaign coffers to  elect GOP  right wing radicals of their choosing.

Stop Koch Brothers
illustration: Victor Juhasz

Thanks to Citizens United, the Supreme Court Decision that has allowed unlimited campaign contributions from corporations, labor unions and similar organizations we are facing the  buying of America by the super rich.

Who will turn the U.S. into a toxic wasteland that will operate for the sole benefit of men like the Koch brothers.  It is important to stop this from happening.  Because  the future of the Democratic process is at stake here.

It is not just that the Republican Party has done nothing noteworthy other than to obstruct everything our president has tried to accomplish.

Or that the United States is rapidly becoming a mere shadow of its former greatness because of such deliberate obstructionism.  What is important is the GOP has a greater than 50 % chance of capturing the U.S. Senate.  This  means that if a U.S. Supreme Court position becomes vacant during the remainder of Obama’s term, is is unlikely that a Republican controlled Senate would approve any progressive appointee Obama might choose.  So Obama would have no other option other than to appoint a Conservative the GOP would approve.

Make no mistake.

The Republican Party is no longer what it used to be.  Thanks to men like the Koch brothers it’s been kidnapped by the Right Wing.

Which forces it to cave into its wishes.  This is not what most Americans want.  It is not what they voted for.  But this is what we are about to get.  A toxic wasteland created by and for the super wealthy.  Who will continue to sell out the rest of us.

Epilogue–Americans did not stop Koch Brothers in the  last election.  Americans did not get out and vote.  So we ended up once again with a Republican controlled House.  We got a Republican president who is nearly certain to go down as the worst president in American History.  And we got the Republican controlled Senate I’ve been warning about here.