There are two Koys here during the Repent Bar Loy Krathong New Year’s tequila Marathon but only one Mali to stir everything up.

Tonight, the celebration during the Repent Bar Loy Krathong is a total eruption because both Koy and Mali are dancing on all eight cylinders. Koy claims to be totally drunk by the time we get there. But I can’t vouch for her one way or the other. Because by the time this night’s over, I can’t even remember getting back to my condo.
Koy sure danced well judging from these videos. The other Koy, our cashier is three sheets to the wind. There can be no doubt about it. Koy Yai is right up there with Mali when it comes to child’s play.
There are several songs I like that’s playing. I think it’s Koy Yai who’s chosen the music. But I am also able to get Mali to change the music to a couple of our favorite selections.
We will hit just one more bar after leaving Repent Bar. And that bar’s the Spot bar which we’ve already visited.
But I’m not so sure of that. Because after walking Mali to one of the Soi Six motorbike taxi stands, my mind goes awol. I just might have gone back to Nymphoz for one last drink or two with Silent Bob.