YouTube bans Pattaya Bar video on my Jack Corbett Channel. The good news is, you get to see this sexy bar girl video on Alpha Productions.

Bottom line is you get to watch this streaming Pattaya sexy bar girl video without having to download it. But I sure tried hard to get it on YouTube first. I tried putting the video up as unlisted, not public. So I could leave a link here or wherever I chose. But within minutes I found out that even close friends couldn’t view it when I gave them a link. Four music companies claimed copyright violations against me.

When YouTube bans Pattaya Bar video on my channel, it’s time to strike back
So I edited the sound tracks in my video to confuse the YouTube computers. And why not. I figure I haven’t stolen anyone’s music. First, I get no income whatsoever from my YouTube videos. Second, the original music is only the background music in a busy Pattaya bar complex. So what my Panasonic Lx10 camera picks up is hardly the best sound quality in the world. It’s just part of what is really happening in the bar complex. Without the background music the entire atmosphere of the bar complex becomes dull and unauthentic.
Okay. In my video editing program I leave the entire bar complex background audio intact. Then I inserted a second sound track. Which is “All Along the Watchtower” by the Grateful Dead. The I inserted a third sound track. This one “Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix. That oughta do the trick, I figured. The YouTube computers won’t be able to discern who’s playing the music.

But once again, YouTube bans Pattaya Bar video
The Jimi Hendrix soundtrack is just two overpowering. So now it’s the owners to the rights of Jimi Hendrix All Along the Watchtower claiming I’ve stolen their music. Greedy bastards! I mean what the hell. Jimi Hendrix has been dead for 47 years now. But this time there’s no question of what YouTube has done with my video. In my Youtube creator account I find out that this Naklua bar video has been blocked worldwide. There’s a further notation that it’s blocked in all countries.
But Hostgator’s hosting my Alpha Productions web site. And Hostgator is as good as it gets. And my hosting package is more expensive and complete than Hostator’s bargain basement packages. Can I put this video on my web site? Sure I can. But making it stream is a different proposition.
But when YouTube bans Pattaya Bar video, it’s not really YouTube’s fault. YouTube knows it can be sued for millions of dollars if it publishes copyrighted music.
So what’s this world coming to when YouTube and all these bars worldwide have to play Da Da music to avoid being sued by these all powerful music companies?
We all end up walking around or drinking in bars having to listen to that infernal noise that I call Da Da Music. I hate these greedy music companies for that.
So I get the correct code from Hostgator that will make my video stream from my web site. And it works. Except it will work only with Windows Media Player, Quicktime and Real Player. I get the job done and then my pal, PlOne, tells me that his smart phone will not stream my video. He must download it. Which is too bad, because most of the world is now using tiny smart phones which do not begin to do my videos justice. But oh well. Not everyone watches you tube videos and Prime Video on 55 inch televisions the way I do. Or uses an eight speaker surround sound system to play audio.
Luckily for me, and most of you with your smart phones my pal, PlONe is a genius with computers. He’s a high powered computer programmer with a PHD in Computer Science. He sends me the code that will allow me to stream MP4 files from my Alpha Productions Web Site. All I have to do is to change this code around a bit, and Voila. My video now streams out of Alpha Productions, and it will work on computers and smart phones.
So what video will I put up next that’s too hot for You Tube to handle? Hey…I got a great cockfighting video that I took in Northern Thailand that all those goodie two shoes animal rights activists complained to YouTube about. Which promptly banned my cock fighting video also. But I’m innocent on this one too. I didn’t hurt those chickens. As the Thais say and did say to those chickens….”Up to you”.