The Thailand Naklua Pen Bar is celebrating its 10 year anniversary. Tonight there’s live music and the girls are dancing.
The food was good and two of my buddies were drinking with me, one Austrian, the other British. I started with Gin and Tonics but I was going through them very fast, and I could see my bin piling up with tickets. This was going to be an expensive evening especially since I was buying several of the girls drinks.
The Naklua Pen Bar doesn’t have its ten year anniversary every day.
And I wouldn’t miss this party for the world. And it’s all because of Pen, who’s also having her annual birthday.
In England they call the hangouts for the locals pubs. In my part of the U.S. we call them taverns. We call it the Pen Bar here in Pattaya Thailand. That’s because all our favorite local bars have closed their doors or gone to seed.
Malai Bar never was the same after Eddie sold it to someone who had no clue on how to run a bar. Then it closed. It can be seen in the background of this video, vacant. The Girl Beer Bar was the greatest place around with lots of pretty girls always around. Good music too. But then the German owners had a falling out or that’s what I had heard. As for Drinking Street, I’ve got lots of you tube videos that attest to how good it used to be there. But most of the girls there have gotten to be fat and unattractive. And Mam left, then Kwan.
But the Naklua Pen bar has been a steady watering hole of mine for ten years.
Most of the bars near it are doing very badly. Many have closed. But Pen’s always got customers. It’s Pen who’s made the big difference.
Pen used to be a bar girl. She’s a straight shooter who will never overcharge a customer or tell him stories the way 90 percent of the bar girls do and nearly all the Thai bar owners and mamasans.
I now understand why Saint Thomas loved the Naklua Pen bar so much
Saint Thomas used to rent a condo on the 7th floor of my building. He lived here full time for about a year,and during that year he bar fined something like 25 bar girls from Pen’s bar. Then he moved back to the U.S., but he kept making visits to Naklua every three months or so. Saint Thomas would email me to tell Pen that he was coming to Pattaya on a certain night, and that she should stay open late, just for him. He’d not even bother checking into his hotel first. Saint Thomas would just have the taxi driver from Bangkok take him straight to the Naklua Pen Bar, and he’d drop his bags off right next to his table where he’d start drinking right off. Around three or four in the morning, he’d have Pen or her nephew drop him and his bags off at his hotel.
But tonight it was Rod’s turn. Rod doesn’t own a motorcycle yet or a car because he hasn’t quite moved here full time quite yet. So he took a taxi to meet us at the Naklua Pen Bar tonight. Around 3 a.m. he had just about enough to drink, and was about to go out looking for a taxi. So I advised him to have Pen get one of her bar girls to take him back to his condo on her motorcycle. Which one of the girls did. She was back at the bar ten minutes later.
And that’s how the Naklua Pen Bar gets so many loyal customers.
Links to other Naklua Pen Bar Videos
Tri and Pai, two of our favorite Girl Beer Bar Girls cut up at the Pen Bar
Per and Jack get marooned at the Pen Bar by unrelenting rain where they are molested by rampaging bar girls