Everyone has their list. Those places not yet visited, foods yet to be tasted, people we would wish to meet, experiences to be indulged. Whether you call it a bucket list or a collection of passing fantasies, it is that accumulation of things we have heard of or read about or viewed other people enjoy that we determine to add to our life’s journey if ever the opportunity presents itself. The Pattaya Soapy Massage occupied a place on my list. I don’t remember when I added it but I’m sure it was some time ago. However, unlike other items which have disappeared without a trace when I looked for them, that one never went away. Someday, if time and location and inclination lined up, I knew I had to try a Pattaya Soapy Massage

There are two Sabai massage places on 2nd road in Pattaya between Central and North Road. I didn’t choose one over the other. The Sabai Room happened to be on the side of the street I was walking. I don’t remember the name of the one across the street but with Sabai in its name the ownership may have been the same. The door man came out as I approached, and I could see the Pattaya Soapy Massage fish bowl from the street. I decided today was to be the day.
When I entered I noticed how large the area was. The concierge offered me a seat at a table and summoned a waiter for a drink if I liked. He then sat down and recommended a girl from the Pattaya Soapy Massage girls. The girl looked like a fine choice from where I was sitting.
The lineup was impressive. 20 plus girls all dressed for the evening gown competition and not a loser in the bunch.
Some looked like they may have been in their early 30s. But the average was probably 5 years younger than that. Since I was the only customer in this spacious establishment I was the center of attention.
As my gaze crossed the room their smiles came on like Christmas lights blinking on down a string. I can only speculate on the reasons for the concierge’s recommendation. Perhaps the girl he was recommending’s English was better than most. Certainly better than his at any rate. Or possibly she had a preference and I fell into the right category. Making bad recommendations in that position wouldn’t serve any long term interest. But people can be surprisingly short sighted
Perhaps the concierge expected a kickback from the girl he was recommending. Money is number one after all.
Despite his suggestion, not in defiance of it, I chose another girl. She was equally attractive. Although many of the girls waved and smiled this one seemed particularly enthusiastic. Or persistent or possibly just financially ambitious. Later I would conclude her command of the English language as certainly being a factor.
I was amazed with how clean and glare free the glass was. After I made the choice the concierge called the girl by name from my table. She was short and stacked. She spoke surprisingly good English. And she was definitely worth 2,000 Baht which was the flat rate price for any girl there.
The whole operation had a very nice feel to it. I felt like I was standing at a crap table rolling the dice where 7 happened to be a fairly common number.
I do wonder what the difference would have been if I had gone with the concierges suggestion instead of the one I chose. The same, better? I will never know.
Once I settled the bill May grabbed my hand and took me to the elevator. There were several floors which I didn’t stop to count with probably a dozen rooms on each around an atrium which went to the roof. She led me into a room that was clearly designed with one thought in mind………fun. I set down my coke, turned and hung my shirt on the hook. When I turned back May was naked. She had a stacked hourglass figure that was just what I had in mind. Her nipples were hard and her breasts although real and substantial showed a youthful defiance to gravity. I asked her if she was cold.
She replied that her nipples always extended in greeting like that. She suggested I sit back and enjoy a cigarette with my coke while she got ready.
While the Jacuzzi was filling with water she took a large tub and filled it part way adding a liquid soap as she went. When it was half full she started whipping it into frothy foam which she scooped onto the air mattress on the tile floor.
All the while we chatted. She was 26 years old and had spent several years in North America. Vancouver I believe, which explained her skills with the English language.
She was finished about the same time as my cigarette and she summoned me onto the tile floor which she correctly warned me was very slippery. The girl had a big Russian customer the previous day under the influence of several too many vodkas who had fallen hard on that tile floor and she didn’t want a repeat.
I lay down on the air mattress in about six inches of foam. The massage girl took the remaining foam and lathered herself with it managing to keep her long hair which she had tied up completely dry.
She then straddled me and began to slide, first on my back. And then when I turned over, on my front. She scissored her legs with mine and rubbed her pussy on my balls. Turning to face me she ran her hands up my thighs all the way to my shoulders which positioned my slippery cock in the center of her magnificent cleavage. Sensing she had pushed the magic button she worked her hard nipples up and down my pelvis and then teased my hard on with each.
Satisfied that I was enjoying the ride she helped me up and we both got in the Jacuzzi. She started with her back to me while I admired her nipples with my fingers. Then she leaned forward and slid my cock between her cheeks. Finally she turned and gave me a repeat performance with her cleavage.
I’m hardly a newcomer when it comes to titty fucking. At first it was just foreplay.
Some girl friends seemed to enjoy it as much as I did, probably because my hands were very busy at the same time. One girlfriend, due to surgery wasn’t able to have sex for several weeks and the pearl necklace became the go to substitute. None of those experiences compares to a soapy air mattress or a warm sudsy Jacuzzi with the company of shapely little Asian spinner. Lubricity and body to body contact are a winning combination and you can’t effectively duplicate it in a shower much less achieve the positions available on an air mattress or in a tub.
Having garnered my full attention we got out of the tub dried off and moved off the tile floor and back to the carpet where there was a queen size bed. Like I said this room was spacious, nicely laid out and furnished and designed for fun. I laid face down and she gave me a short but pleasant massage of my back and legs and then I turned over.
She did the same to the front. She pulled a condom from her purse and put it on with her lips making sure she still had my full attention.
I should mention there was no bareback anything. There was an attention to and discipline regarding hygiene that would have made an Army surgeon proud right down to the way she brushed her teeth before we left the room. I can’t say that it had any negative effect on the quality of the experience, it probably enhanced it.
Once she had positioned the condom to her satisfaction she climbed on. She rode with enthusiasm first forward then backward Asian cowgirl style. After all that had preceded this I wasn’t going to last much longer. She hopped off when she saw I was ready. Then she removed the condom and produced a bottle of lubricant from her purse. Which she slathered on my hard cock. She then worked it with her hands alternating between a slow and then fast rhythm. That was all it took. It didn’t hit my chin but it felt like It might. It was an impressive load.
We cleaned up and dried off. Then she hosed down the area to get it ready for the next session as I dressed and had a cigarette. Then she put her evening gown back on, and we headed back to the entrance. A quick hug and off I went, too distracted to even think about giving her a well deserved tip.
Pattaya has a variety of venues all designed around the same result. Soi 6 short time bars, Walking Street GoGos, Beer Bars, and massage options abound. Each comes with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages.
Price, atmosphere and ambiance, in or out, short time long time, the variety of combinations is substantial. Some providers are like hotels offering hourly daily and weekly rates. The only way to compare the plethora of possibilities in a concise fashion is to choose one parameter, say price and rank them based on that aspect. Doing so, I would put this Pattaya Soapy Massage somewhat above the median but nowhere near the top.
I have to admit Walking Street go gos have a great business model. It’s like public foreplay in a titty bar with a raft of beauties followed by private entertainment with the entertainer(s) of your choice. There is no titty bar appeal to the Pattaya Soapy Massage and perusing the talent isn’t an all night proposition. The problem with Walking Street GoGos isn’t with the business model. The problem is with the execution, price relative to other options and the pervasiveness of scamming. Seasoned expats will tell you Walking Street is plagued by overpricing and under performance.
Then there is Soi 6, which has none of the “frills” of a Pattaya soapy massage but all of the sex in an atmosphere that isn’t overflowing with ambiance which of course makes it cheaper by perhaps a third.
You can probably find an equally attractive companion but you won’t find 20 of them in one establishment and sorting through the selection can be time consuming. The Pattaya Soapy Massage offers a lot of variety.
Beer bars are another option which offers a vast selection from stunning to unimpressive. Here you have an open air GoGo minus the titty show. You can stop in for a cold one and leave with a girl. Or you can polish off a 12 pack while mulling over your options. Once again the range of appearance combined with the lack of overhead associated with all the frill and ambiance of a Pattaya soapy massage drives the price down below the soapie and closer to Soi 6 cost. On the other hand you’re more likely to negotiate a long time arrangement at the place of your choosing so the time / baht ratio can be considerably different.
In the final analysis what you want. For how long and at what location. How leisurely you want to make your choice. And how much skin you want to see. You must weigh all that against all the costs. Which add up. Not to mention the value you place on the money which will cover those costs. There is no such thing as the best choice. That’s why the variety of options exists. If one were a clear winner to the majority of patrons lesser options would fall by the wayside.
Everyone has a list. For some it is an impossible collection of highly improbable fantasies. Like planning the details of cashing a winning lottery ticket, it is an accumulation of things that could be discarded because they will never be of any use.
The Pattaya Soapy massage was on my list. At just 2000 baht total for a complete titillating experience that would last 1.5 hours, it wasn’t beyond reach.
It waited there patiently for its opportunity to arrive and one day opportunity came knocking. It’s still on my list. You see some experiences are so satisfying they deserve an encore. One day if time and inclination and location line up I will do it again.
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