Giving Haiti vaccines is a criminal act against American tax payers living overseas because it sacrifices the lives of American tax payers.

I am one of a few thousand American expats living full time in Thailand. And I pay over $6000 a year for top notch health insurance.
While my hospital of choice, Pattaya Bangkok Hospital, is first rate. But I am willing to pay dearly for the best medical care that money can buy. And like many American expats residing in Thailand, I pay a lot of taxes. But I cannot get an effective anti virus vaccine at any price. So you can just imagine mortified I am to hear that the U.S. has just sent 500000 doses of Moderna and Pfizer vaccine to Haiti. With a lot more to come.
Meanwhile the United States Embassy has been notifying us that no vaccines will be available to us until October. But it wasn’t the United States giving Haiti vaccines that has made my anger go ballistic.
Giving Haiti vaccines only intensified the total disgust I was already feeling for our incompetent American Embassy. Which has endangered the lives of American taxpayers living in Thailand by its failure to act.
If anyone tells you that the United States government is doing its utmost to U.S. overseas citizens from Corona I’m calling it BS.
And I am putting $200 on the table to do my utmost to get my message heard worldwide.
All expats living in Thailand can get the best anti virus vaccines so long as they are French.
Germans, Austrians, Englishman, Americans, etc do not qualify for getting the best anti virus vaccines here in Thailand. Because the French government is the only government that cares about its overseas citizens. For it’s only the French who buy the vaccines. And then deliver them to private hospitals. While the French Embassy provides a list of French expats to the private hospitals. Which then contact all French nationals living in Thailand to come get your vaccine. While these same private hospitals proclaim, “we don’t have those effective vaccines you think we have.”
Before you read on, please read and memorize the following.
In early July, the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital gave the Moderna Vaccine to a French citizen who owns a condo here at Wongamat Residence. I know this because I am chairman of the committee governing Wongamat Residence.
As chairman of our committee I saw the email Bangkok Pattaya Hospital sent to the Frenchman on June 22, 2021. BPH was informing the French expat that he needed to come to the hospital on July 1 to get his first Moderna injection. I have the Frenchman’s passport number, his phone number, his exact address and his entire payment History with Wongamat Residence.
Around the 4th of July, Lek who’s our condo bookkeeper informed me that the Frenchman arrived at Bangkok Hospital where he encountered a line. And that he went back to his condo because he didn’t want to deal with the line. A couple days later. Call it July 6, when I encountered the Frenchman getting on the condo elevator. When I asked him if he had received his vaccine yet, he extended one arm out to me to show me the little mark the needles had left. Then he smiled at me, and told me he had gotten Moderna. “It was free”, he told me. and that it was free.
Meanwhile I was becoming good friends with another Frenchman.
The man’s 39 years old. He’s an engineer who works for Caterpillar which headquarters out of Peoria Illinois. From the very moment I met the man, I liked him. Having lived ten years in Australia his English was close to being perfect. While both of us had been to Peoria, Illinois many times. While the Frenchman was a high level exec for Caterpillar, I had shot at least three Pure Talent Feature Showcases at the Big Al’s Strip Club.
When I told my new friend how well his government had treated the old French condo owner at Wongamat, the man got busy to get on top of what his government was doing for its overseas citizens. But right off he told me the French government supplies free virus vaccines to all Frenchmen whether they are paying taxes. Or not.
The next time I saw him, he told me that his company will supply him with the anti virus vaccine. This meant Caterpillar. Instead of the French government. Then he told me, “but I might not quality because I’m not sixty yet.”
But a few days later I read that the French government had just announced it was making the vaccine available to all French overseas citizens. From the age of 18 and up.
This was about the same time I learned about the United States giving Haiti vaccines. I got angry and decided that I to act. Not just complain. And to cause as big a stink as possible.
My best friend in Pattaya nearly died of a heart attack several years ago. While another good friend spent over a week in Pattaya Bangkok Hospital nearly dying from a blood clot. Neither of them is likely to get vaccinated against the virus until at least October. But when my first friend told me he was complaining to his Congressman, I replied that I wouldn’t waste my time. Due to all of our Congressman being as useless as tits on a bore. But by evening I had determined that my Congressman was likely to be a Republican which made him even more useless.

I would attack my Congressman before he could even give me that line of B.S. “We are doing what we can, but—-
I decided to do my utmost to humiliate him. And the American Embassy, his opposite numbers in the Democrat Party and all the other government self serving, lying scumbags.
I would not only send my Congressman a letter. I’d send it Fedex all the way from Thailand to make sure that he’d read it. I also decided to Fedex letters to the Washington Post and the New York Times. Which I felt were the best two newspapers in the U.S.
But I’d would take this one level deeper. I’d send my Fedexes not just to the Washington Post and New York Times but to the best editorialists I could think of. Eugene Robinson and Thomas Friedman.
Robinson of the Washington Post was a winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism while Thomas Friedman topped everyone with three Pulitzer Prizes. I figured that both men sincerely cared a lot about their country. And that if I contacted them directly they would do everything in their power to help American overseas taxpayers. Who had been abandoned by their embassies, and elected representatives.
This is the letter I fedexed to my U.S. Congressman that expresses my anger about the U.S. Giving Haiti vaccines. While ignoring the plight of American overseas taxpayers who are effectively not able to gain access to anti virus vaccines.
This is an S.O.S. via Fed Ex from my home here in Thailand. I am writing in behalf of my condo community at Wongamat Residence in Banglamung Thailand where I have been serving as chairman for the past 8 years. While also serving as a self appointed spokesman for all American citizens living overseas.
While the U.S. has recently sent over 500000 vaccines to Haiti with alot more to come, the U.S. Embassy has informed us my that an effective vaccine for covid 19 will not be available to us until October.
Wheras the French government has been taking good care of its overseas citizens whether they are paying taxes or not.
Yesterday, the French government announced it will be buying first class vaccines for all of its citizens residing in Thailand from the age of 18 and up.
Since the French value its overseas citizens, I am asking you as a voter and landowner from Montgomery County to ask your fellow Congressmen to apply for foreign aid from the French government for the neglected U.S. taxpayers living abroad.
Because our lives are in danger due to the incompetence of our American embassies.
Feel free to contact me if you wish to know more. As I can also fill you in on the plight of your average Thai citizen whose government is either unable or unwilling to deliver on its promises.
I am also Fedexing letters out to Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and Thomas Friedman of the New York Times to make sure my message gets the action it deserves.
The labyrinthian path U.S. taxpayers must go through to get any kind of anti virus vaccine.
I was finally able to get an appointment to get an anti virus vaccine for August 7, 2021
There’s a web site expats living in Thailand can access to get on lists on which they can wait to get an anti virus vaccine. But the first problem with this is, the web site is down for most of the week. This amounts to a very small window of opportunity for any of us to even apply for a vaccine. Fortunately one of my friends messaged me to get onto that web site RIGHT NOW before it shuts down.
The bottom line is I need to go all the way to Bangkok to get any kind of anti virus vaccine. And the best I can hope for is Astraventica which is less effective than Giving Haiti vaccines offers to the non-Americans living far away from American shores. This will take me two hours to get to the hospital and two hours back. And since I no longer have a car, I must pay for a taxi or rent a car from Hertz. But as one of my friends told me, if I take a taxi I stand a good chance of getting the virus due to so many people using that taxi.
So I am going to rent a car from Hertz and hire my own driver who works for me at the condo I’m managing.
But while the average Haitian gets Moderna or Pfizer, the best I can do it to hope for Astraventica and the hospital might even give me that horrible Chinese poor excuse for a vacccine called Sinovec.
And as chairman of my condo committee for the past eight years, I won’t have our manager buy a Chinese made water pump for our swimming pool. At even half the cost of an American Hayworth Pump or Australian equivalent. So there’s no way I’m going to have that Chinese Sinovac injected into my body.
But back to the French. The latest is the French Government will now offer all French citizens who are 18 or older living abroad with free Moderna or similar vaccines.
What this would mean to me, if I were French, is I could drive one of my two motorbikes to the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. This would take me 8 minutes. I would not have to wait very long due to BPH’s excellent service (albeit at high cost). But I’m American. And the American Embassy is lying to us that an effective vaccine will not be available to us until at least October. However, I know better. There’s plenty of vaccine available at BPH provided I’m French. And not one of the many neglected American taxpayers living here whose government cares more about the Haitians than its own citizens.
If anyone can get an antivirus vaccine at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, I can. I’ve written six books and I’m big boss of my condo community. Been living in Thailand for 16 years. I’ve got the connections. If I can’t get it done, no one can.
I have three good friends who either cannot or who are unable to get to Bangkok to get a vaccine. But they aren’t going to do squat about their terrible predicament. But I will.
I exercise for one of the last times at my five star Centara Grand Mirage Hotel Fitness Centers only a few days before the Thailand government shuts it down after the official reports come in that have over 15000 new virus cases per day. From the elliptical machine I spot one of my Bangkok Pattaya Hospital doctors swimming laps in the lap pool. Upon finishing my 45 minute workout I go out to the lap pool. Where I politely ask my doctor.
“I don’t want to interrupt your swimming. But if I get an appointment soon, do you think you can help me get the Moderna vaccine?”
The doctor tells me he thinks he can help me. So the next day I go to BPH to get an appointment. His office is in the mental Health Center. The doc’s a shrink.
And I’ve visited him a number of times to get sleeping piles. Or to bring in one of my girlfriends who has her own issues. I encounter the doctor outside his office so I am able to seen him within five minutes.
The physiatrist tells me that he has signed up on a list to get the Moderna vaccine. And he tells me that I can sign up for Moderna through his nurse. But when I ask the nurse for the paperwork I need to sign, she points to a cardboard advertisement. The nurse then tells me that I need to use my smartphone to copy the QR code on the advertisement and to use that to access the signup process for Moderna.
Problem is I’m terrible when it comes to smart phones. And the few times I need to use a QR code I have the other person do it for me. When I get home to my condo I eventually download two QR code readers to that I can access the Bangkok Pattaya Moderna Virus vaccine signup system. But it won’t work for me. So I ask my good friend to see if he can access the signup system using its QR code. My friend is a PHD in Computer Science. And he can’t do it either.
I go back to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital determined to get an appointment to get the Moderna Virus vaccine while thinking about the U.S. A. giving Haiti vaccines
So I go the the hospital’s large registration desk and ask two of the women to send me to BPH virus registration. But the two women inform me there is no such place. I must do it online. I show the two women the picture I had taken of the advertisement the doctor’s nurse told me to access with my smart phone. The two women told me. “No. You cannot get on a list using that. This is only for a survey you can take to tell us what vaccine you prefer.
But when I told the two women that my doctor had told me i could sign up for the moderna vaccine , they told me I had been misinformed.
So then I told the two women that I could not even access the survey web site through its QR code. I told them I was pretty good with computers but really stupid with smart phones, “So can you help me do this?”
Both women tried but neither of them could access the survey web site through its QR code. They told me, “It’s finished.”
I replied. “No it’s not. It says right here, it’s open until July 22nd and it’s not July 22nd yet.”
This has been a long post. I just wanted to show anyone reading it how it’s nearly impossible expats to even sign up to get a vaccine. Let alone actually receive the injection. Unless the expat is French of course.
So whatever you hear about the virus vaccines being in such short supply in Thailand or that the Thai government is blocking its distribution, we Americans can get it, but only if our elected leaders act as intelligently and responsibly as the French and stop being a patsy giving Haiti vaccines
But they won’t. Unless I can get the New York Times, the Washington Post and all the other newspapers to totally embarrass our so called representatives and senators. Until they are forced to start treating American citizens at least as well as they are treating American non citizens residing in Haiti.
I don’t know and I don’t care why the U.S. is giving Haiti vaccines. This smacks of the usual do gooder, stick your head in the sand liberal bull crap baby food. That hard working American tax papers have to swallow. Or it could be out of shame for the U.S. being possibly implicated in the assassination of the the Haitian premier. Or some possible malicious reason to put money into the hands of the undeserving. But our elected representatives don’t have their country’s best interests at heart. Because if they did, they’d get their heads out of their backsides. And study up on what’s happening here in Thailand now that the virus is out of control here. If it were not for the incompetence of our government officials, we can win big here now. At the expense of China. But that’s another subject for another day.