This is an S.O.S. via Fed Ex from my Thailand home to ask the French to supply us with a foreign aid vaccine. I am writing in behalf of my condo community at Wongamat Residence in Pattaya, Thailand. Where I have been serving as chairman for the past 8 years. I am writing you as a self appointed spokesman for all American citizens living overseas.

The U.S. has recently sent over 500000 vaccines to Haiti with a lot more to come. But the U.S. Embassy has informed us that an effective vaccine for covid 19 will not be available to us until October.
Whereas the French government has been taking good care of its overseas citizens whether they are paying taxes or not.
But yesterday the French government announced it is buying first class vaccines its citizens residing in Thailand from the age of 18 and up.
Since the French value its overseas citizens, I am asking you as a voter and landowner from Montgomery County, IL to ask your fellow Congressmen to apply for foreign aid vaccine from the French government for the neglected U.S. taxpayers living abroad.
Because our lives are in danger due to the incompetence of our American embassies.
I am also Fedexing letters to Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and Thomas Friedman of the New York Times to make sure my message gets the action it deserves.
(Jack Corbett)
Newly published at, The Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer in two paperback editions.
The first is the affordable black and white edition which has more than seventy pictures in black and white print. The second is the much more expensive full color laminated hardback edition.
But I recommend you to peruse Jack Corbett books first due to my having written and published 7 books in many variations. In this latest book alone there’s the kindle smartphone edition. There’s the black and white paperback that can get from Followed by my full color edition from And if this is not confusing enough for you, there’s a full color paperback I’ve published with Which is even more expensive than the larger full color hardback edition. There’s the Extreme Weapons 2021 and 2022 calendars that you can only get at But these are adult rated so won’t be able to to find them. Unless you look in Jack Corbett books.