Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Donald Trump Scumbag cartoon from my 2012 GOP cartoon Strip

I created the GOP cartoon strip with over 20 cartoons including the Donald Trump Scumbag cartoon during the 2012 primaries.

Donald Trump Scumbag cartoon

But I have to admit. I can’t draw. Even though I have been a professional photographer. And have written and published six books. But in 2012 I watched the far right take over the Republican party. And decided to do something about it. But I am a lousy artist. But not too shabby when it comes to doing graphics arts on programs such as photoshop.

I had to do something about all these wanna bee Hitlers. All of them out to get Obama. With a long lineup of cartoonish Republican misfits vying to be the Republican Presidential candidate to defeat Obama.

I knew that you can’t argue with a bunch of guys who are dumber than the ostrich with his head in the sand. Who ignore facts. Whose brains cannot distinguish logic from worshipping all the nonsense their little minds want to hear.

So now it brings me a lot of joy to bring back that old Donald Trump Scumbag Cartoon I did so long ago.

I won’t get into all the lies this ex president of ours has been telling us. And I won’t even attempt to explain how evil this man is.

I’m figuring the best medicine for my fellow Americans who just can’t get it, is a cartoon strip. The Gop cartoon strip I created way back in 2012.

I can recommend to all these Trumpists. And to all the Trump cultists I subscribe to The New York Times and the Washington Post. But I won’t. Because they will call both newspapers false news. Even though they haven’t even read them.

So if I can’t reason with these nitwits I will just throw back at them my Donald Trump scumbag cartoon. While adding “A leopard never changes its spots”.

Related links

Donald Trump calls Obama a miserable student back in 2012

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