Do not believe all those fake conspiracy stories. The Corona 19 World War II? The virus is far deadlier than World War II ever was. At least for Americans. And I’m going to prove it to everyone one of you who possesses the ability to reason and retain a logical mind.
(sorry about my constantly using the key phrase “Virus World War II”as it’s bad English, but if I don’t this essay won’t do well in the search engines.)

It is now December 13, 2020, Yesterday World Meters Info reported 2974 American deaths caused by the virus. There were 3263 deaths the day before. While it is likely that the death rate for the U.S. will become even greater. This is due to still colder temperatures and Americans traveling a lot during the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. By the end of today over 300000 Americans will have died from the virus. There were 291557 combat deaths during World War II (source). And 405,399 military deaths from all causes. So let’s just pick the higher number for U.S. military deaths and run with it.
It took 3.5 years for 405,399 American combatants to die during World War II.
But it took the United States 3.75 years to reach those 407300 military deaths. Whereas in only 10 months 300000 Americans died from the Corona 19 virus. We can then extrapolate that if the current death rate were to continue there would be 1 million-two hundred thousand deaths within 3.75 years. The Corona 19 Virus vs World War II? There’s no comparison.
If you want to deny the real facts of the Corona 19 virus World War II.
Think again. Because you have probably been getting your facts from social media, Fox News and other disreputable sources.
Surplus deaths gives us a pretty good idea of how lethal the virus is
Take one month’s death toll for any city, county or state in the U.S. And you will get a figure for the total death toll from all causes. Such as cancer, pneumonia, car accidents, homicides, natural causes.
Take Texas for example. I am going to give you some hypothetical figures to prove my point. Let’s suppose that 10000 people died in Texas from all causes in December, 2019. While at the end of December 2020 12500 will die from all causes. The 2500 additional deaths occurring in December of 2020 over December, 2019 represent 2500 surplus deaths from all causes. We must now find out what has caused these 2500 additional deaths. Certainly there are more Texans living in Texas in 2020 than there were in 2019. Let’s put that figure at 2.5 percent. Or even 5 percent. If we use the higher number of 5 percent we still have 20 percent surplus deaths. now we must question, what has caused 20 percent more Texans to die in December, 2020 over the previous year’s total?
Did close to 2500 Texans die from car accidents in December, 2020 than the previous year’s total? Or cancer? From the flu? Homicides?
No way. And if you think there were look the real numbers up for yourself. How about cancer? Or death by homicide? Or how about the flu? And so on. There are statistics galore that prove there was no meaningful increase of deaths from all causes, if there is any increase at all that can ac deadlier than World War II count for almost 2500 surplus deaths.
Pure logic tells us that the only explanation for close to 2500 surplus deaths must be due to the Corona 19 virus.
The Corona 19 Virus World War II tells us the virus is far more lethal than World War II ever was.
You bet it is. World War II doesn’t even come close. So how many Americans will have died from the virus within one year becomes pretty irrelevant. Still, one might want to guess just how many Americans will have died from the virus in a single year. From March 1 of 2020 to March 1 of 2021.
Let’s begin. Today is December 13 of 2020.
I predict that another 3000 Americans will have died at the end of the day. So the total number of deaths will have exceeded 300000 in less than 9 1/2 months.
But we still have 18 days left for this month. At 3000 deaths per day I predict that over 353000 Americans will have died according to the “official count”.
Since January 2021 has 31 days at 3000 deaths per day, another 93000 Americans will have died from the virus.
Which would bring the official total up to over 450000 Americans within a single year. Virus World War II?There is no comparison. In a single year the virus will have killed more Americans than World War II over a 3.75 year period.
However, the real total will have exceeded the official virus death toll by at least 20 percent
We still have 20 percent surplus deaths in the U.S that are unexplained. Unless these additional deaths have been caused by the virus. So the real number of deaths caused by the virus is 540000. According to my own analysis. Which I predict will be the generally accepted figure in the years to come. But even this 540000 annual death toll can get even higher.
It is likely in the next two months that U.S. hospitals will be overwhelmed by the number of patients requiring medical care to be well over 200000 new virus cases per day. So people requiring urgent medical care will be turned away from the care they need in U.S. hospitals. This means there are going to be far more surplus deaths than the current 20 percent rate.
I know a lot of you will now be saying that a lot of these additional deaths will be caused by automobile accidents, strokes, heart attacks, etc But you are wrong.
Because it doesn’t matter what the primary cause of death is. If for example a person is not able to get into the emergency room after having a heart attack, and he dies because of it, the virus is still the cause of death. The reason is had he been able to get the hospital care he needed, he would not have died. So the virus becomes a secondary cause of the death. Even though the primary cause is the heart attack.
So it is no contest, the U.S. Corona 19 Virus is deadlier than World War II by a huge margin.
Face the facts people, we are at war. And when it comes to being a war time president our imbecile sitting in the white house is certainly no Franklin D. Roosevelt. By the time the dust has settled in the evolution of time as the real facts come out, Donald Trump will go down as the worse president in our History by a magnitude of ten. But that’s another subject. I just had to get my two cents in for future generations to ponder.
My latest book (I have written and published five books) is Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City is my first hand account of how the Corona 19 virus has devastated Pattaya, Thailand
a sea side resort with a metropolitan population of 2 million. If you want to imagine what it’s like in full lockdown living with a beautiful 24 year old Thai woman you have just met when the city’s 4000 plus bars have closed and there’s not a single restaurant open, this book is the real deal.