Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Why are Thai Women Sexy?

Why are Thai women sexy?  There’s two reasons.  The first is, they want to be women, not men.  The second reason we are not sure of, although we can hazard a few guesses. But certainly we can say that Thai women are physically superior to Western women for whatever reason.

Thai Women Sexy
Why are Thai women sexy? To a sloth a sloth is sexy. And it is certainly a fact that many men like fat women. But I believe that the pickings are so slim that many men will go with fat women in their home countries because they believe they can’t find anything better. Now I’ve met a young guy or two who come to Pattaya who like their Thai women large. But overall, almost any man who comes to Thailand can have his pick of the litter. Most men will choose a slender girl over a fat one. And a young girl over a much older woman.

This is a fact although this fact might be arguable. The picture is of a sloth and to a sloth this sloth is sexy. It might be that a woman with the body of a sloth might be sexy to some men as well.   And it could very well be that some men prefer fat women. For those who do we advise you to leave immediately.  And go to a fat women’s web site. For those who don’t, please read on.

Thai Women Sexy
Why are Thai women sexy?   They love being seen as “Cute as a button” for one thing.

My first point is Thai women want to look and to behave like women whereas most Western women want to be men.  So why are Thai women sexy?  Their wanting to be feminine is one of the most important reasons of all.

Just take a look at many of today’s action movies. Do you see women behaving like men or like women?

Compare such modern day movies to say “King Kong” where Jessica Lange played the object of King Kong’s affections. That was back in 1976. That was thirty-six years ago and Jessica Lange was one helluva babe. As for King Kong, who could argue with his manliness and strength. Certainly Jessica lange, the female protagonist in the movie could not begin to match King Kong’s great strength, courage and other male virtues.

Jessica Lange in Kong Kong’s hand. Jessica is vulnerable, defenseless. While King Kong becomes her protector and guardian.

Jessica Lange is feminine, weak, and beautiful and as such she appealed immensely to the courageous, virile King Kong. Now let us advance the time frame ten years to “Aliens” starring Sigourney Weaver. The vulnerable feminine Jessica Lange has just been replaced by super heroine Sigourney Weaver who is smarter and stronger than all the men.

Sigourney Weaver is a fine actress who can play feminine roles, but that’s not my point. In Aliens she plays the super hero. In which she’s smarter and tougher than all the men.

And so the stage changed with women playing roles where they can fight as well or better than men who they can usually out think at every turn as well.

For better or worse what has emerged is a new breed of action hero and women have sought this as their role model.

My favorite girl from Super Girls.   From a few years ago.  She might be wearing jeans,  but she was wearing high heels.  She’s around five feet four.  Which is about average for an American woman.  And she weighed around 100 pounds.  Her American counterpart who’s also five foot four will weigh around 170 pounds.

Meanwhile Thai women have been content to be just women. And I should know as I am on my fourth and hopefully my last Thai girlfriend.  At 95 pounds she doesn’t even pretend to be able to match my physical strength. She enjoys going out shopping for new clothes, hats and shoes. But never mind….such things are cheap here. And for the most part she uses her own money.

The girl works as a “pro” on Soi Six. But notice. She’s wearing high heels. If I recall she’s about 100 pounds and she’s about five foot three or four.  She has a very pretty face.  But I’ve cartoonized it to protect her identity.

And after she’s bought something she will revel in looking at herself in front of a full length mirror (notice how I wrote full length mirror) which she can use not to view just her head but her entire body from her feet upwards. She will then oftentimes model other garments and ask me which I like the best or if she’s sexy or not.

The clothing is well styled and it’s well suited for showing off a girl’s figure. Very seldom will you ever see a Thai woman wearing a suit. You will not find them wearing gunny sacks either or extra large body bags,colored black, to hide most of their bodies.

Why are Thai women sexy? Aside from dressing well and wanting to behave like women instead of men, they eat a lot of spicy food that keeps their metabolism up and their figures trim and tight.

Thai women revel in showing off their trim little figures. They love wearing high heels, which everyone knows are a pain to walk in, but they like the high heels and the higher the better because they know that high heels gives them a longer legged and lankier figure which makes them look as tall as possible.

Very seldom will you find Thai women wearing U.S. or Thai army fatigues because they think they look cool wearing them. They are well dressed even when they do down to the beach. Style is everything and appearing like a man just doesn’t get it.

My next point is Thai women simply have much more beautiful bodies. They are slim and they have tight little butts, which is something that is more rare than gold these days in a Western woman.

Why are Thai Women Sexy?  The girl on the left is quite slender and on the tall side. But notice the girl over to the right. Look at how well she’s dressed, and I took this picture at a beer bar.  As I keep saying, Thai girls revel in being women.  They dress well and spend lots of time dressing up to show themselves off as desirable women.

My girlfriend tells me part of the reason for this is all the spicy food they eat. She’s right. I just looked up chili peppers and spicy food on the Internet which verifies much of what she’s told me. Thais eat spicy food and chili peppers to excess.  And I will tell you this, when you eat food as spicy as my girlfriend likes it you will sweat a lot. Your metabolism goes up and that causes a person to lose weight. Furthermore

Why are Thai women sexy?  For one thing Thais do not view eating out as driving their cars up to a McDonalds window where they won’t have to walk more than forty feet to get into their cars in the first place. And they don’t keep frozen pizzas in their fridge either.

I’ve been living here for six years now and although I have a full sized kitchen with every amenity I want, I still don’t have an oven that we can use for cooking pizzas and other heath robbing meals.

For all I know you might be into sloths but for most of us who want women who act like and look like women Western countries such as the United States forgot a long time ago what it means to have a good body or what it means to act like a woman. It is no wonder why virtual sex has become so popular in the West or why there’s a do it myself revival. If you want the real thing, however, you had better be coming to Asia where women still have the bodies and attitudes of women. And here the sexiest women of them all are the Thai women.

You might also be interested in reading Let’s Give Dishonest Thai bar girls a Break.  

Why am I doing the GOP cartoon strip?


I can’t draw so why should I even attempt doing a cartoon strip? It’s  simple.  I’m drawing the GOP cartoon strip because I’m a patriotic bastard.

There used to be such a thing as a moderate Republican whose attitudes and views represented a mainstream America.  In those days a moderate Republican or moderate Democrat  often voted for the party that offered the most qualified candidate.

Years ago I watched a debate between the conservative commentator and writer, William Buckley, and Norman Mailer.

Norman Mailer 1948 (cropped).jpg
William Buckley looked every inch the school master whipping his snottey student Noman Mailer in his debate with William Buckley.  But this picture is of Mailer. It’s when I realized that there were no longer any William Buckley’s left in the Republician Party that I decided to create the GOP cartoon strip

In my judgment the debate was no contest with the conservative,Buckley, tromping the macho man of the literary world. Today, there are no more William Buckleys carrying the banner of the GOP.

RIck Sanitorum has been a leading proponent for teaching Intelligent Design in schools  Rick would like to give equal or more credibility for intelligent design at the expense of evolution.  But, according to Wikipedia, “Intelligent design (ID) is a religious argument for the existence of God, presented by its proponents as “an evidence-based scientific theory about life’s origins”,[1][2] though it has been discredited as pseudoscience.[3][4][5] Proponents claim that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.”[6] ID is a form of creationism that lacks empirical support and offers no testable or tenable hypotheses, so is not science

In the vaccuum have poured  the likes of Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Christine O’Donnel.  Many of whom probably cannot even place Iceland on a map.

Sarah Bachman. “I don’t think I’ll run again. I’m not getting a call from God.” I though Sarah Palin was enough of a disgrace to any thinking American but when I heard this I decided it was time to create the GOP cartoon strip
GOP cartoon strip
Michael Savage

While such pundits as the Sean Hannidys and Glenn Becks of Fox News, and the likes of radio talk show kings of venom as Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh have supplanted the the Bill Buckley’s of the old school GOP.

The GOP has turned so far to the right that Ronald Reason, who was once considered to be an ulta conservative would be an ultra liberal in today’s GOP.  SInce those brighter days of GOP sanity, a sinister right wing has hijacked the party.  This right wing of no nothings refuses to acknowledge that man creates climate change.  It caters to Christian evangelism by preaching that the origins of the human species is caused by intelligent design.  Which is no more than a Creationist spin to delude those who cannot think for themselves.  The evolution of the human species has no place in the GOP’s new order.

Things haven’t been this bad since the glory days of the Spanish Inquisition when they used to burn witches. The GOP has even found its own propaganda machine of enormous power and influence in Fox News. It has dedicated itself to defeating Barrack Obama from the first day he took office by denying that it was the policies of President Bush that caused the great recession.  The world had suddenly turned upside down.   That’s when I decided to create the GOP cartoon strip

Even an imbecile knows that you cannot pay for a war by decreasing taxes.  But today’s Republicans are worse than imbeciles

The GOP blamed today’s huge deficits entirely on Obama.  While it conveniently forgot that Bill Clinton handed William Busch a balanced budget which the Republicans blew into an out of control deficit when it started two wars.   While it decreased taxes not once.  But twice.

 To a man, the Republican party has tried to block every Obama initiative at every turn, in a relentless and uncompromising effort to ensure his failure just so it can win the next election. I see this not just as an ongoing attack on our president but upon the United States itself.

By doing everything in its power to destroy everything our president is doing just to make itself look good,

Since the GOP is guilty of treason  it became high time for me to create the GOP cartoon strip

Isn’t doing everything in your power to ensure that the nation fails, treason?  I rest my case.

Adolf Hitler had his Joseph Goebbels heading his powerful propaganda machine. The GOP and its new ultra conservative base has its Fox News,

which is arguably even more influential than anything the Nazis ever were able to deploy because of the huge technological advantages possessed by television and the internet. So far the Ultra Conservatives, the GOP and Fox News are winning by being able to shape public opinion to their way of thinking.

Unfortunately I have utterly no talent whatsoever at drawing. When I submitted my fifth Dick Fitswell short story to Jeremy McTeague, , my editor ,at Extreme Magazine ,Jeremy asked me to create a cartoon.  And when I told Jeremy I absolutely could not draw, he asked me to try anyway. And so I did, and after trying my best Jeremy sent me an email that said, “You are right, Jack. You cannot draw.” Xtreme  never published that cartoon. But here I am again, now creating the GOP cartoon strip when I know I am completely devoid of talent. But I must do what I can. Even if it’s to influence just one person that Fox News and the GOP are as dishonest and spiritually bankrupt as it gets.

You might also be interested in reading Re-introducing the  American Republican Party cartoon strip


Non voting Americans are not true Americans

Publish “Dick Fitswell, man in search of the Perfect penis fit”?

Should I publish Fitswell or not?  The man in search of the Perfect  Fit s first five misadventures are already appearing in two adult magazines. But Jim Lilly’s advice not to write Fitswell under my normal pseudonym still haunted me. Jim Lilly was the owner of the Wild Times Magazine, a small St. Louis based adult publication, and Jim was excited about getting me to create Dick Fitswell, having come all the way over from the St. Louis side to my East side apartment.

Jim might have been all fired up about Fitswell, but I wasn’t. I wanted him to publish, Return to Visions a piece I had written about my returning to Visions Gentlemen’s club of my favorite strip clubs down scenic route 157 that meanders along the Mississippi River bluffs where the river long ago had made its channel. That night I had taken one of the dancers home from the club the long way. Early that morning, the girl and I had gone over to Monk’s Mound, climbed its steps and surveyed the landscape, a hundred feet below us, in the moonlight–a landscape of prehistoric Indian mounds of a once proud civilization now called Cahokia Mounds.

To make a long story short I reluctantly agreed to write Fitswell in return for Jim’s publishing Return to Visions in his magazine.

And now, after having finally written 28 episodes the real issue is whether to pull the plug and to publish the new Fitswell book or not.

Dick Fitswell is a horrible man whose only goal in life is to bang as many women as possible. But this single goal is only a means to an end, which is to find the perfect fit for his overly large male appendage. Whether he gets along with a woman or doesn’t and whether she’s a good person or not doesn’t matter, and for that matter whether she’s beautiful, although it helps, doesn’t begin to measure up to whether she fits or not.

The Fitswell stories are pornographic, and I’ve never liked porn very much.

But ever since getting halfway through writing the first Dick Fitswell story I’ve never stopped laughing as I’ve brought my character through one improbable misadventure after the other. Whereas the least enjoyable part of writing about Fitswell’s experience was writing about him having sex, I’d have the most fun thinking about where I’d drop him off next and how I could create a situation where Fitswell would get his just deserts right after doing something despicable to one of his female victims.

The question once again is, if I go even more public with Fitswell while admitting that I’m his creator, will this jeopardize any possible success for “Death on the Wild Side” or “Welcome to the Fun House?” And would I be tainting the name Jack Corbett by publicizing a book whose content is so pornographic? But the word pornographic doesn’t really fit here, however. I never intended my Fitswell stories to arouse the erotic instincts of my future readers. Instead my whole intent was to poke fun at the kind of men who behave like wanna bee Fitswells as well as those women who stupidly fall for such cretins. It was only when I got nearly halfway through writing the Fitswell series that organized religion became the subject of several of the stories.

If there has ever been any question of holding back on the Fitswell book, the Republican Party’s turning to the Far Right as we approach the coming election has convinced me to go full steam ahead.

I find its policies, and its lying along with its chief propaganda tool, “Fox News” to be a hundred times more appallingly grotesque than anything Dick Fitswell does in my stories even if there wasn’t any humor in them or even a glimmer of hope for good satire. Fitswell is in the face, crude writing that is impossible to ignore, and I’m not sure how he’s going to be taken. It’s time for a few good laughs, however, and I think Fitswell’s time has come.

So I’m doing it. Expect the Fitswell paperback within two weeks.