US anti Putin policy wrong and American media has it wrong too. Unfortunately even the New York Times and Washington Post aren’t giving us the real facts. I find this to be utterly incomprehensible that two great newspapers should depict Russia as a warmonger and the U.S. as a benign keeper of the peace.
Which is a shame. Because the New York Times is the most highly acclaimed
and best financed newspaper in the world. With the Washington Post not far behind.
Now Imagine this hypothetical. The state of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania splinter off from the rest of the U.S. for whatever reason. And these three states call themselves the Republic of New England.
In rushes Germany and Russia on the pretext that the remaining 47 states are trying to reclaim Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. And be sure. The U.S. is trying to make the U.S. whole again. And with very good reason. Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania were the first states to declare independence from England. In 1776. 242 years ago.
Now think of this. During the American Civil War 13 Southern states seceded from the rest of the U.S. And 600,000 Americans died for this between 1861 and 1865.
US anti Putin policy wrong and this is why
Putin is on the right track.
Now let’s go back to Russia. The U.S. now claims that Russia has no right to interfere with the Ukraine. And that Russia has illegally annexed the Crimea.
Let’s take the Ukraine first to establish my point US anti Putin policy wrong
The Crimea is just a small part of the Ukraine. But the important thing is this. Kiev, the capital of Ukraine was the first capital city of Mother Russia.
I quote Wikipedia “From Oleg’s seizure of the city until 1169 Kiev functioned as the capital of Kievan Rus’, which was ruled by the Varandian Ruikiddynasty which gradually became Slavicized”
What we have here is that Ukraine and Kiev has been part of the Russian Motherland for over 1000 years. The bottom line is, Ukraine fought with “Russia” against the Mongols . And later against the Turks. While marching side by side with “Russian troops” in 1812 against Napoleon. And once again, from 1941 to 1945 Ukraine and “Russia” fought together against Hitler.
The bottom line is most Ukrainians think of themselves as Russians.
While also thinking of themselves as Ukrainians. Just as Texas think of themselves as both American and Texans. But Ukrainians have been speaking Russian for a much longer time than most Americans can imagine.

And as for the Crimea. We should go back to Peter the Great, who ruled Russia between 1694 and 1725. Now most Americans have never heard of Peter the Great. (perhaps just 2 % considering the deplorable state of most U.S. schools). But I believe him to be the greatest ruler in modern History. It was Peter who created a modern nation out of Russia. Which had been one of the most backward nations in Europe. And Peter wanted to annex the Crimea in the worse way. Because he correctly believed Russia needed a warm water port on the Black Sea.
Now the Crimea is part of the Ukraine, and it’s located on the Southeast corner of Ukraine, appearing like a Florida jutting out from the rest of the U.S.
Back then the Crimea was part of the Ottoman Turk Empire. Peter almost pried the Crimea out of Turkish hands so he could make it part of the Russian motherland.
But Peter, as great as he was, just wasn’t quite able to annex the Ukraine or the Crimea due to most of the Russian military’s being focus on the Great Northern War against the Swedish Empire. Which Peter ultimately won against the great Swedish Warrior King, Charles XII. But it took over 20 years for him to do it.
68 years after Peter’s death, in 1793 Catherine the Great was able to annex the Ukraine. Making it and the Crimea part of the Russian Empire.
That was 225 years ago, and here we are claiming that Putin is interfering with the internal affairs of the Ukraine and Crimea.
And here both the New York Times and the Washington Post are writing that Putin is the bad boy of Europe. Well, I claim to differ. And contend the anti Putin policy wrong. He might be unscrupulous. And there might be a lot of graft and corruption in Putin Russia. But he’s a true Russian Patriot who hopes to restore the great Russian motherland of the past.
So who’s the real bad guy here? The U.S? Or Russia. for trying to bring parts of Mother Russia back into its fold?
If you think I am very impressed by Peter the Great, you are right
Here’s a little fiction I wrote about Peter the Great
Tec 9 Shootout at Peter’s Corral

Featuring Leah Layne, a former Miss Nude Illinois