Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Need Foreign aid vaccine from France for neglected U.S. taxpayers

This is an S.O.S. via Fed Ex from my Thailand home to ask the French to supply us with a foreign aid vaccine. I am writing in behalf of my condo community at Wongamat Residence in Pattaya, Thailand. Where I have been serving as chairman for the past 8 years. I am writing you as a self appointed spokesman for all American citizens living overseas.

Fedex receipts requesting foreign aid vaccine from France
Note the three Fedex receipts totaling nearly 5000 baht ($161.00). Which I sent to Congressman Rodney Davis, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times and Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post requesting their help in getting American overseas tax payers foreign aid vaccine from France

The U.S. has recently sent over 500000 vaccines to Haiti with a lot more to come. But the U.S. Embassy has informed us that an effective vaccine for covid 19 will not be available to us until October.

Whereas the French government has been taking good care of its overseas citizens whether they are paying taxes or not.

But yesterday the French government announced it is buying first class vaccines its citizens residing in Thailand from the age of 18 and up.

Since the French value its overseas citizens, I am asking you as a voter and landowner from Montgomery County, IL to ask your fellow Congressmen to apply for foreign aid vaccine from the French government for the neglected U.S. taxpayers living abroad.

Because our lives are in danger due to the incompetence of our American embassies.

I am also Fedexing letters to Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and Thomas Friedman of the New York Times to make sure my message gets the action it deserves.

(Jack Corbett)

Newly published at, The Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer in two paperback editions.

The first is the affordable black and white edition which has more than seventy pictures in black and white print. The second is the much more expensive full color laminated hardback edition.

But I recommend you to peruse Jack Corbett books first due to my having written and published 7 books in many variations. In this latest book alone there’s the kindle smartphone edition. There’s the black and white paperback that can get from Followed by my full color edition from And if this is not confusing enough for you, there’s a full color paperback I’ve published with Which is even more expensive than the larger full color hardback edition. There’s the Extreme Weapons 2021 and 2022 calendars that you can only get at But these are adult rated so won’t be able to to find them. Unless you look in Jack Corbett books.


True meaning of Cunt, the four letter word that disparages women.

In Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer Doctor Doom explains the true meaning of CUNT as CANNOT UNDERSTAND NORMAL THINKING. And that “even my own mother is a cunt.”

Doctor Doom explained the true meaning of cunt is cannot understand normal thinking
Doctor Doom

Twenty years later, I’ve never forgotten Doc’s words of wisdom.

I am the first person to move into my condo here in Pattaya, Thailand. While serving as my condo community’s chairman for the past seven years. The committee governs the manager of the condo who is presently a 67 year old Thai woman. As chairman I’ve developed the condo’s accounting system. I oversea all finances. I know who the dead beats are. And I make them pay, one way or the other.

Every year, we have an annual meeting of all my fellow committee members. Which usually lasts two hours. And while the first hour of the annual co-owners’ meeting usually goes smoothly, the second hour nearly always plunges into complete chaos. And by the end of the meeting it is evident that most of the condo owners are complete CUNTS. Some of the condo co-owners even threaten to sue the entire community. Which is incredibly stupid because ultimately those owners are threatening to sue themselves.

Doctor Doom’s explanation of the true meaning of Cunt continues to resonate in my brain every time I think of most of my fellow condo co-owners.

Most of the condo co-owners here are male, not female. And most of them aren’t Thai, coming from Western countries with a common heritage, culture and values. Such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Norway, France, Russia, etc..

As I reflect on the essential goodness or evil lurking in our fellow men, I keep thinking of Doctor Doom’s explanation for the true meaning of Cunt.

While I keep remembering what my father kept explaining to me the one basic premise that distinguishes all men and women from each other. “There are two kinds of people,” my dad kept explaining to me. “Who are those who are givers and those who are takers. And it doesn’t matter if they are black or white, women or men.”

As you read Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer, the true meaning of Cunt becomes more and more evident. As the book clarifies who the good guys and gals are, and who’s the real enemy. It seems reasonable to me that there should be places where men and women can truly enjoy themselves. While letting the good times roll. And that those who provide such places are the opposite of CUNTS. While those who want to close them down fail to understand that they are the living incarnations of the true meaning of cunt.

I will exemplify my point by posting two of my YouTube videos. Both videos come from the bars here in Pattaya, Thailand.

Video number one is from Drinking Street here in Pattaya.

There’s a group of us celebrating Christmas. There are several of us Americans gathering around a bar. And one Austrian friend of ours. My ex girlfriend is with us. And next to her is Nikki with her ex husband. Who will both appear in the second video as the owners of a Naklua bar. Among the bar girls, is Kwan, who does most of the dancing.

Are we having a great time? And how about the bar girls celebrating Christmas with us? The Mothers for a More Boring Nation are trying its utmost to shut such bars down wherever they are. Whether they are in Thailand or the United States. But there’s as many mail members of the Mothers for a More Boring Nation. But it doesn’t matter. Because all of them exemplify the true meaning of CUNT. While their excuse for shutting such bars down is the values of the purveyors of such great adult entertainment behavior is promiscuous and immoral.

Video number two, from Naklua Soi 33 in Pattaya

The singer is a lady boy, who are commonly called here as Thailand’s Third Sex.

The singer starts off singing “Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya”. It is Nikki’s birthday which we are all celebrating. There’s free food for all. But whereas in the previous video Nikki was a guest in the Drinking Street bar, she’s now the owner of Nikki bar. Once again the true meaning of CUNT is very evident here. Due to many misguided self-righteous control freaks wanting to shut down all venues of adult entertainment whether they are in Thailand or the United States. But when you watch this video you will see older men reliving their youth as if they were twenty again. As I keep telling Nikki, “You are a giver, not a taker. Because you give a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people. You are creating the fountain of youth where old men feel young again.” While there are many in this world who want to shut you down.

My latest book, Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer extols the Nikkis in this world, the Big Daddy’s, and the Sam Stimmel’s who own adult nightclubs. Along with the adult entertainers of the American adult entertainment industry as the real heroes and heroines for providing a lot of enjoyment for other people. While the Mothers for a more Boring Nation are the real villains representing the true meaning of cunt. For they are the ones who want to destroy our rights to freedom of speech and expression.

Jack Corbett Books


Ninja Dee Dee

Jack, I need to post this because I don’t think I ever shared this story with you. It makes me smile every time I think about it. Last time I met up with you in Pattaya we got together with a Canadian engineer and my buddy from the States and went down to Soi 33 for food and fun. We started at the Italian restaurant and then made our way across the street to Nikki bar. We ordered cocktails, were joined by some lovely company and proceeded to have fun. Dee Dee was the hostess who sat down next to me and she was enjoyable to have there. She had a red silk dress with gold chains for straps and seemed to enjoy our sometimes loud falang banter. The engineer and I toasted with an uproarious “Cheers MF” which unintentionally cracked my glass. She immediately grabbed my glass and returned with a new drink. Quitting time came and I put my Baht in with a nice little tip for the hostess. She stood in front of me clearly hoping the night wasn’t over just yet. I told her I needed to go. It had been a long day and I needed to sleep. Then I assured her that I would return and we would meet again. No one will ever know how many times she has heard that line before but what she didn’t know is it wasn’t a line. Her head tilted forward like a school teacher looking over the top of glasses on the end of her nose and said “I not believe you”. I told her “I like this bar. My friends like this bar, we will come back”. She grudgeinly said “Ok” and I left for the hotel.

I come from the upper midwest. I drink beer, ride Harleys, occasionally carouse with women but I am also fundamentally honest in nature. That is not a universal virtue on the other side of the world where money is number one and saving face is more important than truth or facts. The real story is I was dead tired. I packed up in Bangkok, took a cab to my hotel in Pattaya and unpacked. My phone wasn’t working so I couldn’t contact Jack and it’s already been a long day. I know the general vicinity where his condo is and will recognize it when I see it so I took off on foot. Found it left a message at the office and turned around to hoof it back. Stopped to cool off at the Pen bar complex on the way back. Got to the hotel showered and was shaving when Jack called from the lobby. Off we went. Dee Dee had no idea what my day was like. I also have a rule she wasn’t aware of. It’s not so much of a rule as a policy. On days when I travel I don’t bar fine. Go back to the hotel and get some sleep.

The next night we follow roughly the same routine. Soi 33, restaurant and bar. However this time we go to Cocktail bar next to Nikki bar. We are having fun and out of the corner of my eye I see red dress leaving down the Soi. I intended to go to Nikki bar and say hello but she was leaving and appeared to have determination in her pace. I went into stealth mode and followed her at twice her pace. Caught up to her as she turned the corner onto Naklua Road. She didn’t know I was behind her so I grabbed her butt just for fun. She swirled around immediatly with her ams up and her fists closed. The look in her eyes was Ninja Dee Dee. My smile turned into a laugh. She recognized me and put down her fists. Then with pursed lips she asked me “What you do”. I told her I go to bar and have drinks with friends. We shared a momentary gaze and then I turned back to the bar. The ninja girl followed me back. We went to Nikki bar and the rest of the entourage eventually joined us.

I planned to bar fine Dee Dee but first I wanted to have fun with her. So I asked her “You love me long time”

She said “Yes”

I asked her “You make all my dreams come true

she said “Yes”

I asked you give better BJ than my buddy from the States. You need to understand he is not gay and would probably cross the street to avoid a ladyboy. Her eyes were big as saucers. She looked at my buddy then looked at me with her palms raised to the sky she said “I don’t know”