Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Jeb Bushs Brainless Trust

Maureen Dowd’s recent editorial Jeb Bushs Brainless Trust in the New York Times was simply so awesome that I had to link it here.

Because Jeb Bushs Brainless Trust is the most eloquent argument for voting Democrat that I’ve read.

Here’s Maureen Dowd’s editorial.

Jeb Bushs Brainless Trust came after the Republican cartoon strip
The Republican Party has become so bad that I just had to create the GOP cartoon strip even though I can’t draw.

Jeb wound up never getting close to the Gop presidential nomination in 2016.  Jeb went up with a miserable cast of Republican hopefuls in 2015-6.  But the GOP offered up just as many misfits in 2012.   For a few laughs and tears let’s revisit my GOP cartoon strip.