Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Corel Wordperfect outclasses Microsoft Office

Corel Wordperfect outclasses Microsoft Office so totally that Microsoft Office isn’t worthy of being even considered a competitor to Wordperfect.

So here’s the bottom line.   Amazon gives Wordperfect Office 4.5 stars to Microsoft Office’s 2.5.

For a more in depth comparison between Microsoft Office and Corel’s Wordperfect Office, check out my earlier review here.

I will therefore make this short and sweet. Magazines such as P.C. Magazine and P.C. World are going to give the best reviews for products whose parent companies spend the most money advertising with them. So suppose Microsoft spends 10 million a year advertising  in XYZ computering magazine.  While Corel spends just 1 million.  Now take a wild guess which product will get XYZ Computing Magazine’s number one rating for Office suites?  It’s a no brainer because as with most things, money is number one and to hell with truth.

But if you want to really know the truth about what end users really think is the best, just go to the web site and check the user comments and reviews. In this case go to the Amazon listing for Wordperfect Office X-6 Home and Student (download). You will notice that customers who have bought Wordperfect award it 4.5 stars out of 5.  And that 287 customers comprise this database.

287 customers claiming  Corel Wordperfect outclasses Microsoft Office means Wordperfect is clearly superior.

So who are these people offering their comments on the AMazon web site about Amazon’s huge range of products  from watches, books, computer software to knives and televisions? They are people like myself who Amazon asks for reviews and comments  once they have bought a product at Amazon.

I have reviewed a number of  items I have bought at Amazon.  And every time I’ve commented on a product Amazon published my review . And even if Amazon never invites me to review a product I can still go to the amazon page for that product and publish my comments and reviews there.

So think about this—if 287 people who have recently bought Wordperfect give it a 4.5 star rating.

And Amazon’s not paying these people or penalizing them  for their opinions one can put a lot of faith in the veracity of the 287 comments and reviews. After all, no one has anything to gain by lying on the Amazon web site.

Furthermore 287 reviews represents a very significant sample size. For example if you toss a coin it’s going to come up heads 50 percent of the time. But will it if you toss it only three times? But toss it one million times and it’s going to come up heads 50 percent of the time and tails 50 %.  Here the sample size is so large that we can be 100 percent confident that the probability for a coin coming up heads will be 50 %.  But toss that same coin four times for it to come up heads twice might give us a confidence level of just 25 %.

Now, go over to the Amazon section for Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013 Notice that Amazon’s customers have given it just 2 1/2 stars to Wordperfect’s 4 1/2 stars and that there were 249 customer reviews constituting this database or sample size.

Obviously Amazon’s customers who have bought Microsoft’s latest version of Office think it’s pure crap.

Whereas those customers who have bought Wordperfect’s latest Office product think the world of it. To find out how such an inferior product such as Microsoft Word has taken over the marketplace I invite you to read my review in this blog. But if you’d rather not, trust Amazon and don’t believe any product reviews in the mainline computer magazines.   Whether they are recommending which computers you should buy or what’s the best software. But above all, DO NOT BUY OR USE MICROSOFT OFFICE. Corel Wordperfect outclasses Microsoft Office by a huge margin.  Just ask the customers who’ve bought both products.