The WordPress search engine for my Jack Corbett Productions web site is even more outstanding than my Google search engine for

So why do I need two totally different search engines for my Alpha Productions Web Site 1. A WordPress creation and 2. My very own Google Search Engine?
My Jack Corbett Alpha Productions Web Site is huge. And it’s been here for twenty-five years.
I’m a writer who’s published six books and a photographer who covered the American adult entertainment scene this Alpha Productions web site has become so vast that I can hardly find what I’m looking for myself.
So I put in for my very own custom Google Search engine for my sprawling web site.

So what is the difference between the Fun House Expat’s forum search engine and the google search engine for my website
The difference is the google search engine searches my total website. All of it. Including my Funhouse Expats blog. Whereas the WordPress Search Engine searches only the Funhouse blog.
Of the two, the WordPress search engine is the most cool. It’s highly visual with striking pictures and other graphical images.
And the WordPress Search Engine has some very easy to use effective filters. For example you can easily search for only my YouTube videos I have referenced in my blog. Or beer bars, go go bars, American adult entertainment, motorcycles, etc.
And if you want to look up Jack Corbett books using the WordPress Search Engine in the expats forum you’d be better off using this search engine than search the entire internet. But if you do, using Jack Corbett author or Jack Corbett Writer you are going to get a lot of top listings for me.
But so what if I’m the best known Jack Corbett author or Jack Google writer on Google? I want a lot more for my readers and viewers.
I was also a pretty well known adult photographer. And as a photographer I want my readers, (even if they only read my blog) to have the best visual experience that’s out there. As they sift through my many videos, pictures, essays and short stories that are scattered across my web site. So if you want to search my Expat’s blog, choose my exclusive WordPress Search Engine. But if you want to search my expat’s blog AND twenty-five years of Alpha Productions History, choose my Google search engine.

There’s a lot of Jack Corbetts writing books today across the world. But I’ve got top billing.

in Google’s search engine. But you can do far better using the “Google exclusively Jack Corbett search engine on
almost all my web pages on Or the WordPress Search Engine here in my expats blog.
If you want to buy one of my six books, there’s something like ten editions including E book, hardback and paperback. That’s a lot to sort out unless you are using the WordPress Search Engine on my Fun House expats blog. So I’m recommending the you peruse the books I’ve published at and my Jack Corbett author page at Amazon. But if you want to find all my books in all their editions an even better place to start is at Jack Corbett books.