Category Archives: Observations

Irreversible climate change successfully attained by Republican Party

When the Supreme Court reversed Obama’s initiative to combat irreversible climate change, hotter temperatures and rising sea levels  have now become a certainty.

Flooding of London
Just think, in 50-100 years London, Los Angeles, and much of the West Coast and Florida are likely to look like this if the Republican Party continues to cause irreversible climate change.

Rising seas are caused when hotter temperatures melt glacial ice formations in both the Arctic and the Antarctic.    But whereas the media predicted this would occur in the next 50-100 years, it is now generally conceded that the polar ice caps will be almost completely melted within the next  fifty years.  Even worse, scientists now contend that the United States is already to the point of no return at slowing down irreversible climate change.

For this we can thank the same Supreme Court justices who gave us Citizens United that allows unlimited campaign contributions which enable Big Money to run the United States.    We can thank the Republican Party for the Supreme Court’s rulings on both climate change and unlimited political campaign contributions.  Because both rulings will ruin  the world forever  for the further aggrandizement of the rich.

Five of these justices of the U.S. Supreme Court voted for irreversible climate change
Five of these Supreme Court Justices vote for irreversible climate change.  Which is no surprise–  Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush  appointed them .  The other four justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Stephen G. Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg voted for allowing President Obama and the E.P.A. to take prudent steps to combat irreversible climate change.    Obviously Republican decision makers destroy the environment whereas Democratic decision makers protect it.

Five men are subverting the will of the American people,

who initially elected Obama with a Democratic Congress and Senate to carry out a progressive agenda.  This agenda sponsored replacement of  of fossil fueled energy with non-polluting alternative sources for energy such as ethanol, wind, and solar.

But with Citizens United these same five Supreme Court justices were able to sabotage the will of the American people

by allowing unlimited political donations from wealthy contributors such as the Koch Brothers. With the passage of Citizens United  big money is now able to buy elections with impunity.

So it should come as no big surprise that on February 9th 2016–a day that shall live forever in infamy–these same conservative Supreme Court Justices voted against Obama’s initiatives to limit the man made climate change that threatens  our planet.

This amounted to the court granting a stay request from more than two dozen states, utilities and coal miners.   Their issue was that  the Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its powers by implementing Obama’s plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions at existing plants by about a third by 2030.

After all,  Republican presidents, Ronald Reagan, Bush and G.W. Bush nominated Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy.  It was these same five Republican stooges who voted both for unlimited campaign financing and against alternative sources of energy as a last minute attempt to slow man made climate change.

The five Supreme court justices nominated by Republican presidents did not give a reason for its action.   For that matter neither did the court’s four liberal justices who objected to the majority decision.

This means that the four Supreme Court Justices appointed by Democratic presidents Obama and Clinton  voted  against irreversible climate change

Sometimes there really is such a thing as all white or black and between good and evil.    When it’s either protecting the environment and saving mankind from itself or caving into selfishness and greed, this analogy holds.     Just as they had in Citizens United when they voted against allowing Big Money to control elections, these four Democratic appointed members of the Supreme Court voted their consciences.  Clearly  the five Republican controlled Supreme Court justices  didn’t.

The issue is no longer  whether mankind is causing climate change to occur,  but  how just how bad it’s going to get.

In a few years temperatures will become hot enough to melt the polar ice caps.  Which will  cause a rise in sea level that will submerge many  islands and significant coastal regions.  For example, rising seas will soon flood much of the U.S. West Coast.

If the U.S. should make significant progress toward reversing climate change  China and India would likely follow U.S. leadership.  Instead the U.S. is giving the entire world this message.  “Be like us and pollute the planet.  Help us implement the irreversible climate change that will make the lives of your children miserable”. Thanks to the Republican controlled Supreme Court the U.S. can lead the world to climate change Armageddon.

The five conservative  justices contended that the E.P.A. and Obama abused their authority by trying to save the planet.  These are the  same five Supreme Court Justices who have lifted the ceiling on political  campaign contributions in Citizens United.

 Both times these five justices sold their country out

while offering a lot of lame mumbo jumbo  excuses for ruining the American political system and the environment.

There is a Hall of Fame on the Alpha Productions web site.  Isn’t it about time that it includes a Hall of Shame?   It’s time to cover Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy with all the noxious scorn they deserve.

Epilogue:  Trumps Medieval Climate Change Mindset