Category Archives: Survival tools for Japanese

Because so many Japanese men are shy, polite, and wish to avoid conflict they fall prey too often to Pattaya Go Go Bars which victimize their Japanese customers who pay too much for too little. Our mission is to help Japanese men get a lot more for a lot less money when they deal with Pattaya bar girls

Walking Street Mamasans exploiting customers and girls alike

Walking Street Mamasans will be found in the go go bars dealing with customer bar girl relationships
Pattaya Walking Street at Halloween.

Japanese in Walking Street go gos need to set prices with bar girls to avoid being exploited by Walking Street mamasans .  This goes for men of all nationalities visiting the Walking Street go go bars, and not just all of you Japanese.

The reason I’m focusing upon Japanese men is because most of you tend to be too nice

and too accommodating in this snake pit that most Walking Street Go Go bars have become.  Japanese in general tend to give the other person the benefit of the doubt.  They are generally polite, and as a rule they tend to not haggle over prices that Walking Street Mamasans want to charge them for bar fines, short times,  or long time sex.  Trust me, although many of us will applaud your politeness, the Thais working the go go’s, especially the Walking Street mamasans view your politeness as a sign of either weakness or stupidity.  But I know that the opposite is true and that most Japanese men are neither weak nor are they stupid.  They are in my opinion the absolute cream of the Asian crop.

So please, take my good advice and take the upper hand over these go go rip off artists.

Another image of Walking Street on Halloween
Halloween on Pattaya Walking Street

Let me tell you about last week.

I had not one, but two Walking Street Mamasans in a row try to cheat me.

And keep in mind that I’ve lived in Pattaya for over 11 years now, and know that typical Thai management means charging their customers outrageous prices in order to pocket commissions for completely unjustified services.  This practice especially applies to Thai managers of condos who almost always charge condo owners prices for repairs that are double, triple and sometimes even ten times what they should be.  This is the way most Thai condo managers make their money.

It is understood by Thai condo technicians, engineers, maintenance people and vendors supplying repair items to condo communities throughout Pattaya.  I’ve found that even insurance companies typically give 15 % commissions to condo managers whose concept of management is to rip off their condo owners as much as possible.  So when I finish telling you my story about these two lying conniving Walking Street mamasans, you can be sure that I know exactly what I’m talking about.

Let’s start with go go bar number one.

 Go go bar number one already has a History of beating up complaining customers

so I will leave this go go bar unnamed as I do plan on going back there again.  Two weeks ago, Billy Bob and I asked one of the go go girls what the bar fine-short time policy was.  The way it works is a customer who wishes to take one of the go go girls out of the bar must pay 1.  a 800 baht bar fine and 2. An additional 1600 baht to “rent the girl” for up to two hours.  What this amounts to is he can have short time sex with the girl for up to two hours.  Longer periods of time, typically a whole night sleeping with a go go girl, might cost another 1000 baht or even more.  The key number, is 2400 baht which comes out to about $70.00.

Let’s compare this to the typical coyote go go girl scenario.  The bar fine for coyote girls is almost always 1500 baht, and for that all you get is the privilege of taking the girl out of the bar whether this is for a cup of coffee or a whole night of sex.  What you pay the girl is between you and the girl.  Usually she’s going to ask 2000 baht short time, but

if you are Japanese (remember, these people know that most of you Japanese are too polite to argue) she is likely to charge you even more.

So it’s going to cost you $100 for short time sex.  In addition to this you’ve been paying for high priced drinks for not only your new girlfriend but also for her three sisters, the cocktail waitress who’s her cousin, and mamasan who’s a dear old friend.  If you want to take her out for the entire night, it’s going to cost you 3000 baht or even more plus that 1500 baht bar fine.  That’s more than $125.00 U.S.  However, most Walking Street go go bars hiring coyote girls will discount those 1500 baht bar fines to 1000 baht after 11 p.m. or midnight.

Go go Bars off Walking Street Soi Diamond
Soi Diamond go go bars –Shark Club, Super Girls, etc,just off Pattaya Walking Street

But back to Go Go Bar number one.  I take a seat in front of the stage.

Within the first five minutes several of the girls dancing in front of me are catching my eye.  Before I’m even half done with my first beer, a girl takes a seat next to my bar stool and starts speaking to me.  She’s from Chiang Mai, and her English is pretty good.  Overall she’s very nice, but she’s just a little too plump for my tastes.

I like girls who are very slender.  Girls with practically no belly on them.  I don’t care if they have big tits or not or even if they have tits that aren’t any bigger than mine.  I like girls with nice long slender legs who have a reasonable degree of good muscle tone, and lately I’ve been a real sucker for Thai women who are both tall and slender.

So although the conversation  is going well with this girl, she just doesn’t have what I’m looking for.

After twenty minutes of conversation during which I’ve bought her a drink or two, she politely tells me she has to go back onto the stage to dance.  So I let her go, knowing that before I have another two or three drinks, I will be finding a girl who’s body really trips my trigger.  Within five minutes after the first girl’s departure, a girl walks behind me to join two other girls who are sitting at a small table by the club’s exit door.  But she accidentally swipes my back with her arm as she walks past me.

Accidentally, my ass!   I know how this game goes and I’m onto her.  But this one’s got a cute little body and she’s also pretty in the face.  “She wants me”, I tell myself.   “Well, okay, she wants my money.  I can’t really lie to you all.”

I look over at her and she looks back at me.  Then I wave her over, as I pat the bar stool next to me to emphasize that I plan on buying her a drink.  Within seconds she’s sitting next to me, and let me tell you guys, she’s got a great body.  She has no belly on her whatsoever.  Her legs are as firm as an athlete’s.

But I’ve gotta admit.  I’ve got a great body also, and this babe’s checking me out straight off.

Within minutes she’s got her hands all over my legs.  And she’s feeling my arms to see how muscular they are.  Then her hands glide all over my stomach.   She finds out I’m not a lard ass like most Westerners visiting Pattaya.  And I can tell she loves what she’s feeling.  I buy her a drink.  I don’t even know what I bought her, but by the time she’s only half done with it, I order her a tequila and another beer for myself.

After she has two tequilas, she’s putting her arms around me, and then we are kissing each other on the lips.  This kind of thing normally doesn’t happen in Go Go Bar Number one.  It is not one of those “hands on” kind of go go bars most of my friends prefer.  It’s definitely not a bar for groping the girls.  In fact I can’t ever remember my ever having groped a girl here or even seeing other customers putting their paws all over the girls.  But man,  this place is changing for me in a hurry.  The girl and I are all over each other, and I want this woman now.

I tell her I want to pay her bar fine and take her to a hotel short time room.  But her English is lacking so she calls the mamasan over.  I explain I want to pay bar for short time.

Several minutes later the mamasan hands me a bill on which she’s inked in 3300 baht for the girl.  Jesus Christ.

That Walking Street Mamasan knows better than to try and rip me off so I tell her that the bin is for too much money.  Mamasan tells me, “3300 baht for lady.”

I’m pissed.  I know the bin should only be for 2400 baht so I tell Mamasan that I can have sex down on Soi Six for 1100 or 1300 baht and that this includes the rental of the short time room upstairs for 300 baht.

The mamasan replies:  “Then go back to Soi Six then.”

I hope I have not lost any of you yet.  Especially my Japanese readers.

I am really pissed that this Mamasan is taking me for a stupid tourist who doesn’t know any better.  Notice also that I’m telling Mamasan that she’s wrong and that I’m right.  Now here in Thailand most Thai owned businesses have the attitude that “Customer is always wrong, but business is always right.”  I’m sure that you understand the role that “FACE” is playing here.  That 3300 baht mamasan is demanding is obviously very wrong, but “do you think that mamasan’s ever going to admit it?”  No way.  Instead she tells me to fuck off and go to Soi Six.”  Way to go you stupid CUNT.  (CUNT stands for “Can’t Understand Normal Thinking).

But here’s what’s really going on.

Mamasan plans on pocketing that extra 900 baht she’s demanding.  Do you think she’s trying to help this go go girl?

No way.  I’ve got this girl’s measure and she really wants to go with me.  Although it’s true that oftentimes go go girls will conspire to extort exorbitant prices from customers, this girl isn’t.  She’s just not the type.  This is all the evil work of this Walking Street Mamasan.   I give the girl a little kiss on the lips and I tell her I really like her.  Then I point to Mamasan and tell the girl Ba Ba.  Which means that Mamasan is completely crazy.  But I tell her that softly so that Mamasan cannot overhear me.  I then tell Mamasan that 3300 baht is too much and that i no longer wish to bar fine the girl.  I pay what I owe for drinks, and walk out.

The next stop is Go Go Bar Number two which I’m not about to name in order to protect the guilty.  You will soon find out that the Walking Street mamasan in this go go is just as guilty of CUNT status as the mamasan was in go go bar number 1.

Peppermint Go Go bar girls
Peppermint Go Go Bar girls. Peppermint is part of a group of around 8 go go bars owned by the same company. These bars typically hire many Coyote girls

The coyote dancer I had sat with before saw me come in and made a beeline right for me.  Which was okay with me because she was nice.

The waitress was not working tonight.  To avoid having the girls doubling up on me and raid my wallet for drinks I insisted on sitting in front of the stage instead of one of the booths where the girls could all get into my pants.  This put me one on one with the coyote girl.  I asked her how she had come out on her 10 day shift.

“You work 10 days and must sell 50 drinks.  How many did you sell?”

She laughed and replied:  “I not do very well.  I sell only 20.”

My brain started to calculate the numbers.  Let’s see–at 10 days a shift she can work 3 shifts a month maximum.  So if the average ladies drink costs the customers 150 baht, this last shift she would have made 3000 baht which is 20 times 150 baht.  So, if she works 3 complete shifts in one month (which is unlikely because that means she doesn’t take a break), she will have earned 9000 baht.  Now, she might have had customers buy her out of the bar, but she’s probably asking 2000 baht short time, and since her bar fine is 1500 baht, she’s not going to get many men bar fining her.

This coyote business is killing her.

Of course she could be lying to me just so that I will feel sorry for her and give her money by 1. Buying her even more drinks than I normally would or 2. Bar fining her.

She’s cute, but she’s not a superstar.  She’s good company though so I stick around longer than I probably should.  We have a few drinks together.  Enough to make us both lose our inhibitions.  Right in front of the stage we do a lot of feely stuff.  She’s stroking my legs and once in awhile my cock.  And I’m laying my hands all over her body.  In fact, I can’t even remember what kinds of things we did, except it was a bit too much right out in the open.  By this time, I’m wanting sex pretty bad.   That very trim go go girl from Go go number one had gotten my number.  And now after so many drinks, this very nice girl from Go Go Bar number 2 was applying the finishing touches.

Mamasan was  a constant presence, hovering about near the stage, keeping her eye on us.

I kept eyeballing my watch.  It was 12 midnight.  Time to make a move one way or the other.  Soi Six would soon be a lost cause.  The bars would all close there by 1 a.m.  It would take me 15 minutes to pay my bin, walk to the end of Walking Street, find a baht taxi and get to Soi Six.  I was looking at 12:15, and I usually stay in the short time rooms for forty minutes to one hour.  Oftentimes even more.  I could also go to Crazy House Go Go.  No doubt I’d find the girl there I had bar fined before.  The one with the sensational eyes.  But I had really been hoping for someone new and Go Go Bar Number One had been a huge disappointment.

I don’t remember exactly how I said it.  I didn’t tell the girl I was with I was going to bar fine her although I vaguely remember telling her how much I’d like to fuck her.  That’s the way it came out of my mouth.  But I was talking more to the mamasan than the coyote girl.  It went something like this:

“I love this girl and like to boom boom her but I think the bar fine is just too much.”

On that note the mamasan told me I’d have to pay 3300 baht to have sex with the girl.  That included a 1500 bar fine.

But it was already 12 midnight.  By this time the girl’s bar fine should have been brought down to 1000 baht.  That meant mamasan was probably planning on pocketing 500 baht.

I was sure of it.  I had dealt with this particular mamasan too many times before.   War, who had been the waitress, really liked me, and I had short timed her a few times.  The first time I had taken War to the short time room, she had all the time in the world.  War had kept showing me pictures in the room.  And she had invited me to spend the day with her during Songkran.  There would have been no bar fine then.

But later on it seemed that Mamasan had clamped down on War so our short time affairs had gotten to be more hurried.  I knew it wasn’t War’s fault.  Then there was that night last year, when Billy Bob and I had sat back in one of the couches by one of the back stages where two girls sat with us.  One was the shapely coyote girl who had blown me on a couch at another stage and I had an orgasm in her mouth. But that night Mamasan had kept hanging around our little stage trying to get drinks out of me.  When I finally politely refused to buy her one she told the coyote girl that she could no longer suck my dick or even feel it.  That’s when Billy Bob and I paid our bins and left in a hurry.

I really would have bar fined this girl if the bar fine was 1000 baht and she had been willing to go with me for 1500 baht.

I was sure she’d go for 1500.  And quite possibly she would have gone for 1000 baht.  That’s what I used to pay all the Super Girls go go dancers a few years ago.  I think I could still do it, but I never have the time to play the game just right.

Once again I would up telling a girl how nice she was and how much I wanted to bar fine her, but mamasan was a very bad lady and because of the greedy mamasan I simply would not pay mamasan’s extortionate prices.

12 o’clock.  I had to go.  So I paid my bar bill and headed straight over to Crazy House.

The girl was there.  Because as when I came in the door I didn’t get more than twenty feet  when she was suddenly standing next to me staring up at me with those gorgeous eyes.  Ten minutes later we were leaving the place together,and five minutes after that we were in the short time room.  As before, her bar fine was 800 baht.  We never even had one drink together.  And this Walking Street Mamasan simply collected my 800 baht and saw us off with a smile.  I’d pay the girl later in the room.

She was every bit as terrific as she had been before.  Her long hair kept cascading around my face as I kept finding myself looking deeply into her eyes.  Kissing her was sensational.  I felt very comfortable, as if I was a fetus warm and snug in the womb.  This girl was great in bed, and not in a hurry at all.  She was also a lot of fun to be around in the club.

But back to all of you Japanese.  The lessons to be learned here are:

“Every single girl I bought drinks for tonight were really nice even though I saw a lot of other go go dancers around me who were obviously real snakes in the grass.  But the Walking Street Mamasans at go go bar number one and two were both greedy bitches who were only out for themselves so that they could line their own pockets.  I wouldn’t doubt that both go go girls I had been with at Go Go number one and two never got bar fined tonight.

I might not bar fine anyone out of go go bar number 2 simply because all of the girls are coyotes I think.  With the exception of the cocktail waitresses that is.  But go go bar number one is a different story.  There are few if any coyotes in that place.  I had misunderstood my good friend who had told me it was a take it or leave it proposition there.  Meaning a man wasn’t taking any girl out of there until he had paid the asking price of 800 baht plus the 1600 baht rental for the girl.

My friend later told me that this rental bullcrap had been designed expressly for you Japanese.  First, because you are all too willing to pay too much for sex and secondly because so many of you can’t speak either good English or Thai.  So this arrangement makes it easy for all concerned.

But what we all need to do is to simply avoid such Walking Street Mamasans when it comes to doing anything with the girls whatsoever.

So what I’m doing from now on, is I’ll be telling such Walking Street Mamasans that I’m only taking a girl out of the bar for a two hour coffee.  I’m even going to tell them I don’t even have a dick so there will be no talk about sex or the price of sex whatsoever.  But before I get around to paying that 800 baht bar fine over at Go Go Bar number one, I will already have a clear understanding with the girl on the price we have both agreed upon.

 So here’s my thinking, especially with any of you Japanese customers who can’t speak very good English or Thai.

Let’s all bring pen and paper into these go go bars.   When that magic moment arrives where we discuss price with the go go girl of our choice we simply write two numbers down.  The first number will be the bar fine.  For example 800 baht.  The second will be the  tip we will be giving the girl.   I will be writing either 1500 baht on that paper or 1000 as the tip I am willing to pay.  Then I will point at this number and the girl, nod my head and smile.  No English or Thai will be necessary.  I will then put the slip of paper back into my pocket.  As for the Walking Street Mamasan…all she’s going to ever see is my bar fine because the rest is just between me and the girl.