Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Germany is the real mother country for most Americans

With 49.8 million Americans being of German ancestry versus just 27.4 Englishmen it is time to rethink which country really is the mother country.  It’s time to rethink our country’s entire History with respect to Germany and England and where most Americans really fit in.

Granted, our mother tongue is English.  For the most part our nation’s legal system is derived from England’s and our system of government has firm roots from the English Parliamentary system.   And of course we were a colony of England’s owing allegiance to the English king until 1776 when we declared our independence.

I am still amazed that Americans were led into fighting the First World War war against Germany in 1917.