In this last video, the night Pattaya died, I chose my music carefully, asking Nikki to play Thai music from Body Slam. Which got the girls dancing like there’s no tomorrow. Which for Pattaya, in a way there might never be another night like this. Not tomorrow, or next week. Not next month. Or for who knows how long.

There would be another Covid 19 shutdown that would have an even more devastating impact on Pattaya than the first one ever did. Millions of Thais will soon lose their jobs in the days to come. While Thai tourism would come to a complete halt. Nikki knew it. The bar girls attending this last party knew it. And I knew I had to do a video on you tube that could express what we were all feeling. To be a premonition that could convey the tragic loss to come.
Music plays an integral part in almost all the videos I put on You Tube. Because I spend hours putting my music together to capture the spirit of each video.
I use Cyberlink’s Power Director as my video editing program because it’s number one when it comes down to getting the finest audio clips for my videos, which really paid off here because I wanted my music to convey the tragic sense of loss after the night Pattaya died.
Cyberlink’s Power Director is also the most intuitive and fully featured video editing program although I have found that Corel’s Video Studio is almost as good. But Cyberlink has its own infrastructure of great copy right free selections I can choose from. And trust me, I’ve spent many days sifting through Cyberlink’s Director Zone’s thousands of music selections to add to my own music library. Cyberlink’s Power Director also has a magic music wizard that ties into a large number of Smart Sound selections which I’ve had to pay for at $99.00 per album.
I chose a military funeral selection from my Cyberlink audio library to start this video off. Which expresses both sadness and death. This audio selection would be perfect because it would reflect nearly 300000 deaths in the United States. While also foretelling the many deaths I believe will occur in Thailand in the not too distant future. It would also express the loss of millions of lost jobs in both countries. While it would also convey my own feelings of complete loss now that all of Thailand’s bars would soon closing. And that all the good times would come to an abrupt end. So I had to have a funeral for the night Pattaya died. In audio format instead of visual which I felt would far more haunting and effective.
Although Nikki plays a lot of Western style music that even includes a lot of Country Western, only Thai music would do for this video. I felt that Body Slam’s “Hot” would be the perfect vehicle to convey the indomitable Thai spirit that rises to the occasion when the most disastrous calamities occur.
For Thailand we are talking about millions of jobs being lost in the next month. And the nearly complete destruction of tourism for years to come. In my night Pattaya Died vision of the future death would take many forms. From Pattaya’s soon becoming a virtual ghost town to the sickness and death toll the virus would soon take.
My audio had to capture the human spirit at its finest. So I looked over half a dozen Body Slam videos on you tube to find exactly what I wanted.
It had to be uniquely Asian with with an exotic character that is nearly impossible for Western musicians to duplicate. To my ears, the video I chose has two lead singers. Or at least two distinct voices. One that is high pitched that is reminiscent of the High Seasons. Yet it’s not anything like the high pitched voice from “Candy Girl, Walk like a Man, or Big Girls don’t Cry,” for example. Or from any of the Four Seasons clone groups which are too American. But in this video,the second singer just might be a lady boy. But lady boy or not, this video is pure Thai.
Watch this video with its hundreds of incongruous images of the entire world entering hell. And yet, the music remains as great music always will. Just as it does in the Night Pattaya died.
But the video’s over four minutes long. And I was already using Body Slam music as an integral component of the video. To complete my investment in Cyberlink’s excellent video editing software I spent an additional hundred dollars for audio director software. Which now gave me the ability to fade out my last video clip that would accompany the last portion of the video. To complete the overall impression of sadness and impending doom, purchasing audio director was a no brainer.
To wrap things up here’s the video once again. Watch Nikki dancing and shouting at the top of her lungs as if there is no tomorrow. And watch Nee Nee dancing in a chair in her own little world. Both women knowing all too well that things will never be the same again. It’s the right music with the right women to play their parts so well during the night Pattaya died.
But I just can’t help myself, Gotta put just one more video up. From You Tube Body Slam Hot, a final version.