Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

American Hitler defeated for Now–but lookout for 2024.

The parallels between 1933 Germany and 2020 America should be clear now that our American Hitler has finally tasted defeat. But before I get into comparing how Hitler and his Nazi party was able to seize all power in 1933 to Donald Trump’s attempts to destroy our 250 year American Democratic form of government I want everyone to pay close attention to what Thomas Friedman wrote about it in the New York Times. I am asking everyone to read “How can we trust this G.O.P. in Power Again? Not part of it, but all of it.

Thomas Friedman three time Pulitzer Prize winner for Journalism.

Have you read Friedman’s editorial? In its entirety? Because if you are like most Americans who don’t read anymore, I’m going to quote Friedman’s first paragraph.

“So how do I feel two weeks after our election? Awed and terrified. I am in awe at the expression of democracy that took place in America. It was our most impressive election since 1864 and maybe our most important since 1800. And yet, I am still terrified that, but for a few thousand votes in key states, how easily it could have been our last election.”

I just quoted Friedman’s first paragraph for the benefit of those who have the attention span of a wombat.

Wombat, an Australian Marsupian mammal more well known for its pouch than for its intelligence.

As for those who would dismiss Friedman’s message as “fake news” or the rantings of a Communist (or Liberal), do consider that Friedman won the coveted Nobel Prize for journalism three times. So before any of you dismiss Friedman’s credibility, you should first do a serious impartial background check on him. And consider among other things that Friedman backed the U.S. Invasion of Iraq.

Is everyone ready for why I am calling Trumpet our American Hitler? Have you done your homework yet on Thomas Friedman who’s just about the best journalist alive today? Are you ready to give up your junk news you keep getting from Social Media. Which I call Social Mediocrity?

Good. Because I am now going to bring on a new vocabulary that will equate Trumpism with the cult that surrounded Adolf HItler. I will also substitute Nazi Party for Republican Party. Why?” Because it is so well deserved. We just had an election that Joe Biden won fairly and squarely. Yet the American Nazi Republican Party is trying its utmost to delegitimize the will of the American people by thwarting the results of this election. The GOP is doing this in order to supplant the American Democratic experiment with a one party system of government. With their American Hitler, Donald Trump, heading it.

Let’s revisit Nazi Germany in 1933 so we can better compare our American HItler and his GOP minions to their Nazi predecessors.

In 1933 Hitler became the new chancellor of Germany.

Meanwhile the now senile World War I hero Paul Hindenburg was serving as president while Germany was suffering from widespread violence fomented by the Nazi and Communist Parties. Hindenburg elected to share power with Hitler who became the new chancellor of Germany.

Hitler and his Nazi Party used the Reichstag fire as an excuse to pass the 1933 Enabling Act that marked the final end of the German Weimar Republic.

Reichstag Fire in 1933 served as the excuse for Hitler seizing total control over Germany through an emergency act right after the fire and an enabling act granting him and his Nazi Party extraordinary control amounting to his total dictatorship. Our American Hitler and his GOP toadies will have more than a Reichstag fire as an excuse for what would amount to their suppression of our nation’s constitutional checks and balances, suppression of Civil Liberties, and the crushing of a free and independent press.

No one knows for sure who started the Reichstag fire (Reichstag was the “German parliament building”). Although many believe it was the Nazis, it doesn’t matter. Hitler used the Reichstag fire as an excuse to ask Hindenburg to help him pass an enabling Act. This Enabling act allowed him and his Nazis to suspend all civil liberties, transfer all power to the Federal government and to make laws without the involvement of the Reichstag.

From 1918 (marking the end of World War I) until 1933 Germany faced a prolonged period of economic chaos, political polarization, and violence.

In the early 1920’s Germany went through a year of hyperinflation. When it took a wheel barrel of German marks to buy a loaf of bread. Later it went through the world depression. The country became increasingly polarized between right wing parties and the Communists with large scale street battles occurring between the right wingers and Communists. To combat the Communists Hitler created his private army of Brownshirts which he used to terrorize his opponents. The Brownshirts would eventually have hundreds of thousands of members. Hitler used the threat posed by the Communists as his excuse for proclaiming the enabling act. Which he enforced by widespread terror, murder, and intimidation of his opponents.

Why our American Hitler will pass what amounts to an enabling act allowing him and his Republican Nazis to destroy our Democratic Institutions?

Because he is a total megalomaniac just like Hitler. Just look at his behavior which speaks for itself. Trump is totally selfish and interested in only his self glorification. He is a bully. And such a liar that he makes Hitler look like a choir boy. For the Trumps and Hitlers of the world, power is addictive.

And because he can. The American people don’t read anymore. They rely on Social Media and Fox News entirely for their misinformation. They have become selfish, self-absorbed and lazy. Trump has a Republican Nazi Party behind him which does not have the good of the country at heart anymore. While too many Americans have become just ignorant and illogical enough to accept what is so obvious. Particularly white American males, who presumably are better educated, and have more career opportunities, than non whites or women.

Polarization of the American electorate will give our American Hitler and his GOP Nazis an excuse for passing what amounts to an enabling act granting them absolute power.

I did this cartoon in 2012 and many cartoons like it attempting to discredit the GOP and its inept right wing herd of wanna be presidential nominees which eventually pitted McCain against Obama. Note that in 2012 Trump’s Gop cronies call Trump a liar, a cheat and a scumbag, just like the rest of us. Note also in the cartoon’s final frame that one of the GOP henchmen claims “most Republicans want someone a lot dumber than they are.”

Our American Hitler and his minions have been long been mounting a far reaching campaign to demonize their opponents. By branding them as Un Americans and Communists. We can start with Trump in 2012 claiming that Obama was not born in the United States and that he was a miserable student. Both being total lies and far from the truth as Obama had a black father from Kenya and a white American mother, while being born in Hawaii. While being the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Meanwhile ever since the ascendancy of the Tea Party the Republican party has become totally Right Wing.

This Republican right wing has demonized anyone on the center of the political spectrum as Communists and as enemies of the state. Meanwhile these GOP Nazis are calling such exemplary newspapers as the Washington Post and New York Times as fake news. While extolling conspiracy theories, Social Media, and Fox News as purveyors of the truth.

Neo Nazis such as the GOP Nazi Party and hard core Communists are able to win by demonizing their opponents. With our American Hitler, anyone thinking differently from him and his minions becomes the devil incarnate. Whether Republicans or Democrats any free thinkers are cast as Communists who are going all out to destroy our American system of values. The free press is called fake media. All these demons must be destroyed to pave the way for our American Hitler and his pursuit of absolute power.

Our Reichstag fire is the Corona Virus

With close to 260,000 Americans already dead from the virus and our economy on the verge of a total collapse, our American Hitler has every excuse in the world for proclaiming a national emergency that can be headed off only by Americans granting him unprecedented powers. And not just the virus itself but the resulting overcrowding of hospitals and civil disturbances that are either directly or indirectly caused by it.

Trump has already called upon his white extremist backers to use violence in case he loses the election. Which he already has. He is urging Americans to start a new Civil War. This will enable him to use the police or military to step in to seize control. And then Trump, being the chronic liar that he is, will claim, “I didn’t do it.”

Unfortunately this American Hitler isn’t finished yet.

Although he has lost the popular vote by more than 6 millions voters, Trump still claims victory. Using the same playbook used by despots throughout human History. Which is by repeating a lie often enough the lie becomes the truth. So the new playbook becomes to practice guerrilla warfare against Biden and his new team of Democrats. At the risk of completely destroying their country the GOP will do everything possible to make the new regime fail. Instead of being patriotic Americans trying to make a better country for everyone, their single minded goal will be to totally discredit their opponents while doing all that is possible to make their country fail.

These GOP neo Nazis will continue to practice their unholy war against the media. They still have control of the Senate. This GOP mob has unscrupulously appointed a judiciary that they expect to bend over to their demands. They will continue to lie that our Democratic process failed to proclaim Donald Trump as the chosen leader of the people. And in 2024 Trump if he is still able to, will run once again. And if he is unable to, his flock of Republican supporters will inflict maximum chaos on their country. Which they will blame their opponents for. They will find a new leader who will be able to lie far better than Trump. While once again their ultimate goal will be to dismantle our entire system of government. With its checks and balances and an electorate’s belief that the system actually works.