Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

The Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer who disappeared out of my life forever

Nine years ago the sexiest most beautiful Beach Road Freelancer disappears from Pattaya. And she’s been off my radar ever since. The last night I saw her she was absolutely terrified of her violent Thai boyfriend. Who had to have been tied into the Thai mafia. I am certain she would have contacted me after that fabulous last night we had together in the Girl Beer Bar. Then later on in my condo when I found out that she was really in some deep shit. So why am I thinking of her now? Nine years have passed.

My favorite viking friend, Per, from Norway at the Girl Beer Bar

I am an old fart now. But I was an old fart even back then. Yet even now I oftentimes have this overwhelming desire to show off. Like last week when I performed a pole dance in a Naklua Soi 18 bar.  And put it on you tube.

So why do I want to talk about this Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer now? For one thing we did this incredible pole dance together nine years ago.

Or at least I thought so. Perhaps it was all the tequila we had together.

But no. It wasn’t just the tequila I had. The German bar manager was so impressed by us that he came over and bought us both drinks.

Later he took me and my girlfriend up to show us his living quarters in the Girl Beer Bar. But I didn’t have a girlfriend on that last night I was with the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer. The girl and I were so whacked out that he never forgot us. We were having so much fun together. And then, the next morning, I got her a taxi. And never saw her again.

Several of the bar girls in the Girl Beer Bar.

A lot has happened since we did that pole dance nine years ago

The Girl Beer Bar owner and manager died. In Germany. The German’s partner who was celebrating his 80th birthday at that big party at the German Girl Beer Bar just died 2 weeks ago. The Thai mafia murdered Edie. She had owned the Malai Bar. They shot her in the head on Sukamvit Road because she owed the wrong people money. After that a restaurant owner friend of mine also got mixed up with the Thai Mafia. But I’m not going to talk about that here.

So now I feel compelled to tell the story about the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer and how she disappeared on me

Part I 12 years ago

I spotted her on Beach Road, across the street from Mike’s shopping mall, leaning against a tree. The freelancer was slender, with a firm belly, and very full breasts. They weren’t large. Or bulbous, and I found out later there was no silicon either. They were just bursting out of her slender frame. But now that I think about it from hindsight, I think she must have been lactating with her breasts full of milk.

God, did I want to take them into my mouth. So I took her back to my room and paid her for short time. I think it was only 500 baht back then. But it was the best 500 baht I ever paid. And it was the worse. It just depends on how you look at it.

She stayed in my room for just 20 minutes. It took only that long for me to come. And she wouldn’t let me as much as touch those glorious breasts of hers. She wouldn’t let me eat her either. And the bitch couldn’t wait to get away from me and get on with her next customer down by Mike’s shopping mall.

I took her back to my room two or three times. But it was always the same. “Don’t touch. And Keep your tongue inside your own mouth.”

That girl had total control of me. She was a complete bitch. But she was the sexiest girl I ever saw free lancing down on Beach Road. By a factor of ten.

Four years I meet the beautiful Beach Road Freelancer again

I had promised my pals that I’d meet them at the Beer Garden for beers at 8:30, and then we’d hit a few Walking Street go go bars together. Three years earlier I had bought a condo down on the beach in Naklua. So I tried to get a ten baht taxi on Naklua Road. But seven or eight Songtaews passed me. Their drivers totally not interested in picking me up. This pissed me off completely.

“Fuck it. I’m not getting any taxi tonight,” I told myself. I’m walking all the way even though it’s over two miles to the Beer Garden. Not one of these lazy songtaew drivers is making one dime off me tonight.”

With nasty thoughts in mind about all the terrible things I wanted to befall all Pattaya taxi drivers, I set out to the Beer Garden, running most of those two miles. While walking part of the way. And then I jogged up to the platform across from Mike’s shopping mall where a lot of free lancers hang out looking for customers. Then I heard one of the prostitutes calling out my name.

I stopped right in my tracks. Suddenly a trim attractive free lancer stood directly in front of my path.

“Jack. Do you remember me?” the girl asked.

I couldn’t believe it. Here she was, looking almost the same as she did four years ago.

And she remembered my name. And here I had been thinking that she despised me. Me and all her other customers. She looked pretty much the same except that her breasts looked a lot smaller now.

I told her I had bought a condo in Naklua since last seeing her. She acted surprised and pleased. I suppose she never expected me to put my roots down in Pattaya. Thinking I was just another tourist four years ago while I was renting a modest room near Soi 6.

I wanted her again. But I had promised my friends Id be meeting them for sure. And did. Was only ten minutes late too. In spite of walking and running the entire way. I mean “Who in the hell needs taxis anyway? Lazy motherfuckers.

But I managed to give the girl my phone number. And I told her I’d be finishing the go go bars around 11 when she promised to call me.

Good to her word she called me a little after 11 while I was taking a piss in a go go bar toilet.

Forty-five minutes later she was waiting for me just one block from my condo in front of the 7-11.

I had no live in girlfriend then and was paying go go girls 1000 baht to visit me at my condo

Back then I had six different girls from Super Girls Go Go stay with me in my condo for short times. But oftentimes they’d stay for several hours. I was also seeing a Soi Six girl who I was paying 800 baht to visit me. But like most Thai sex workers she turned out to be pretty much of a liar. But no matter. I had them coming and going back in those days.

She is not the beautiful Beach Road Freelancer
My favorite girl from Super Girls at my condo.

I finally settled on a favorite go go dancer from Super Girls who eventually wound up getting big tits from silicon and company. Sometimes I’d have her meet me for a drink or two at the Girl Beer Bar before taking her back to the condo.

But my favorite Girl of them all turned out to be the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer

Yeah, I know. She was a complete bitch. But times had been a changing. I had my own condo now. So the girl knew I was for real. Staying in Pattaya all year long. Year after year.

She started staying with me for an hour at a time. This went on for a couple of weeks and then we’d start spending more time together out on my deck. Drinking and smoking cigarettes together. I’d be seeing her a couple of times a week. While paying her 800 baht.

She spoke much better English than most of the other girls. And she liked smoking cigarettes and so did I. So it was all so natural for us to just sit out there in the night smoking, and drinking whatever I had handy. But the more comfortable she got hanging around with me at my condo, the less comfortable she was getting with her situation.

She had a Thai boyfriend. Who oftentimes beat her, and who was taking most of her money she was getting off her customers.

She started telling me that he had started following her. And that he knew exactly where I lived. As for me, I had long ago figured out that most of those Beach Road freelancers have really nasty Thai Mafia boyfriends.

She liked me a lot. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be spending all that time with me. So I was figuring that we would last for a very long time together. Perhaps forever. But it would not last.

Our last night together

We had just had sex together in the master bedroom in my condo when I suddenly got the bright idea of taking her to the Girl Beer Bar.

Several of the ladies from Girl Beer Bar

A group of Germans ran the Girl Beer Bar. It was our absolute favorite bar in the entire world. The Girl Beer Bar had a good handful of pretty girls who used to dance out on the sidewalk in front of the place. Gus and I used to buy one or two bottles of Thai whiskey and then we’d sit out in front of the bar with several of the girls who we’d ply with alcohol.

Girl Beer Bar ladies drinking Thai whiskey at a table right on the sidewalk. Gus and I used to buy bottles of Thai whiskey from a nearby 7-11, and then we’d give it to the girls to loosen up.

The mamasan didn’t mind that we were getting all those bottles of Thai whisky on the cheap at a nearby 7-11. And neither did the German owners.

I used to bring girls into the Girl Beer Bar from the outside and ask my favorite girls what they thought of the girls I was taking home with me. But this night I really didn’t care what anyone thought of the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer. She was the epitome of cool. And I was so happy to have her with me.

Pole Dancing at the Girl Beer Bar with the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer

Nine years later, this is me, doing a pole dance at a Naklua Bar.  I can still do it, but that last night with the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer, I was much better


The Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer was scared to death of her Thai boyfriend. Which was nothing new. But now she was certain that he had her under surveillance every time she visited me. Tonight she was in no hurry to leave me, so I asked her to spend the whole night at my condo.

Then I took her to the Girl Beer Bar. She struck it off extremely well with my bar girl friends there. So it didn’t take long before one or two of the bar girls started drinking with us. And the music was very good that night. Which was nothing unusual. It was a mix of Golden Oldies and contemporary music with a good beat.

Pai of Girl Beer Bar Fame. Pai was my leading confidant as she would always tell me what she thought of the girls I brought in from outside the Girl Beer Bar

I couldn’t believe it, but before long the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer and I were dancing together. While I started pulling out some dancing moves that I never knew I had.

She was a great dancer. And she was so self assured. I knew right then that she must have once been a go go dancer.

And not the run of the mill go go girls but one of the top girls wherever she worked.

By now we were drinking a lot. Beer and hard liquor. And certainly several shots of tequila. The other girls were really taking to her. Then suddenly I got the idea to try a little pole dancing.

Before the Germans got the Girl Beer Bar it had been a go go bar. There had been one of two tables with dancing poles in their centers. But the owners had removed the tables and poles to offer more space to their customers. But the center stage still remained with its pole.

It didn’t take much for me to get the beautiful beach road freelancer to join me on that center stage. By this time I was half drunk and 100 percent full of myself.

I had the number one girl in the entire bar with me. And this number one girl was enjoying herself immensely. As inebriated as I was, I knew I could still acquit myself well on a dancing pole. I had done it so many times before back in the United States. Most of the American strippers I knew couldn’t do it at all. But some could. And many of those far better than I’d ever be able to do it. Yet a lot of the good pole dancers had a lot of fun watching me do the pole. And showing me their best pole dancing techniques.

So here I was at the Girl Beer Bar. In Thailand no less. And I did it. Pulling myself up high on the pole I hung there by the pressure of my feet and one arm. And then I started twirling around the pole in a circle. Making several revolutions before I gravity finally put me on the platform.

Several of the Germans sitting close to the stage went wild. And so did my companion, the Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer.

Oh we were great together that night. But it was now her turn to strut her stuff. To show what she was really made of.

Since I had already figured that she had once been a top go go dancer, it didn’t surprise me to see her doing so well on the pole. And then up on that pole we climbed. Together. The rest is a blur. It was so long ago, and we both had a lot to drink that night. But when we finished our antics on the dancing pole, one of the Germans stood up and started clapping. The man then bought us both shots of tequila.

“That was wonderful,” the German told us. “You both were terrific.”

The German never told me who he was, other than his name. But it turned out he was the manager. I think the old German who owned all those restaurants and the go go in Bangkok owned 50 % of the Girl Beer Bar. Then there was Arno, who owned a piece of the Heidelburg Restaurant. And one or two others. But Walter was the general manager, and although he probably owned just a small piece of the bar, his fellow co-owners gave him several rooms upstairs that he made into an apartment. The rooms had been short time rooms when the bar had been a go go bar. Later on Walther would proudly show off his apartment rooms to my girlfriend and I.

The Beautiful Beach Road Freelancer and I had spent a fabulous night together

But it was our last night. I’d never see her again. Not ever.

The next morning she got me up real early. Then she asked me to get her a taxi. At first I thought she wanted a songthaew. Or motorbike taxi. Then she told me how scared she was. So we went to the hotel next door where I got her a real taxi that had blackened windows. NO one could see who she was in that taxi. Which had been her whole point. It was the first and only time I ever got a Thai sex worker a regular taxi. All of them, were only too happy to have me pay for their motorbike taxi rides home.

She had told me she was leaving her Thai boyfriend. Which she had certainly tried to do. Otherwise she would never have insisted on getting a regular taxi. After that I could never reach her on her telephone. I can’t remember, but I must have tried messaging her once or twice. And she never called me again. Or sent me any text messages.

But we had established a solid connection together. A connection that we solidified when we did that pole dance together. I still think of her a lot. Because she was one helluva cool lady.

A  lot of good things came out of  the Girl Beer Bar.  Here’s a few links you might want to check out

When Bangkok Soi Cowboy Go Go Girls met the Best Pattaya Beer Bar Girls

Best Bar Video Girl Bar on Pattaya Naklua Road