Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Non voting Americans are not true Americans

Non voting Americans are not true Americans.  If you are eligible to vote, and don’t, then you’d better be quiet.

The right to vote is not just a privilege.  It is a duty all American citizens need to perform.   The way I see it, Non voting Americans are not true Americans.   Let me be painfully blunt.  If you are American and eligible to vote in this next election, but fail to do so for any reason short of death or extreme disability, you are not worth a  tinkers damn.

cartoon about Non voting Americans believing anything
I created this cartoon before the 2012 election. Although Donald Trump kicked off the myth that Obama was not born in the U.S. the Republican Party embraced it along with other fables such as Obama is a secret Muslim and he’s the wrong kind of Christian.  Now I must ask, how in the hell can anyone be the wrong kind of Christian and a Muslim at the same time?  The Republican Party believes that Americans are so stupid that they will actually believe such tales. And as far as Falso News (Fox News) it is nothing other than a Nazi party type of propaganda machine pretending to be a legitimate news channel. You can do your homework about Fox News and if you do you will have to conclude that it is a Republican tool used to elect republican candidates. Or you can simply watch it for a few days and then ask yourself, “What percent of the time is Fox News relentlessly hammering away at its audience the following message..”Obama bad. Democrats are bad”?

I am living in Thailand full time as an American expat.  But I’m just blown away by the fact that four out of four of my American friends are not voting in this upcoming November election.  Their excuses run from “I’m no longer registered in the correct state” to “the lobbyists have so much power that my vote won’t count anyway” to “I don’t like the two choices the Democrats and Republicans are giving me.”

Well, I’ve already voted and I’m damn proud of it.  Sure, I had to make the effort of downloading the right application from the internet for my absentee ballot.  I even had to make sure that my printer’s ink cartridge had ink in it so I could print out the application.   Then I had to actually spend a horrific fifteen more minutes of my life filling the application out. I had to find an envelope that was buried deep in a desk drawer.  Then I had to drive my motorcycle to a postal outlet a mile up the street so I could mail in my request for an absentee  ballot.  I  had to wait two weeks for my absentee ballot to arrive by email.   Finally I had to  fill in the ballot, and drive my motorbike to the post office to send my ballot in.

But I don’t figure all that effort is too much of a hardship.  Not when I think of what our founding fathers had to go through to win American Independence from England.  Or the 600,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the American Civil War fighting for what they believed in.  Or our fellow black citizens who used to have to sit in the back of the bus more than seventy-five years after the abolishment of slavery.

Okay, so you don’t like either Trump or Clinton.  Suppose you believe that Clinton is a very corrupt human being.   You think that Clinton is untrustworthy.  So you decide not to vote for her.  This leaves you with three choices.  1.  You vote for Trump, 2.  You vote for a third party, or 3.  Or you don’t vote at all.   If you choose 3, you are failing to exercise your right to vote.  By failing to do your duty, you have proven to be unworthy of all those patriots who sacrificed so much.

By failing to exercise your right to vote, you are truly not worthy of being called an American.   They were American patriots.  You are a wuss.  A wanker.  By failing to perform your civic duty, you deserve being ruled by a Hitler or a king who would deny you all the civil rights you presently enjoy and the respect you think you deserve as a human being.

Those who vote for a third party, will be throwing their votes away.   Either Trump or Clinton is going to win.  No third party candidate has a chance.  Not in this election.  Trump has alienated so many women, blacks and Hispanics , that there is no way that he can win this election.  Unless enough of these people he’s alienated fail to show up.

I’ve chosen to mention two very bad names that will  live forever in infamy.  Hitler and Nazi.  Now we all know that Hitler did a lot of lying to help him rise to the top.  But as a liar Hitler was half as bad as Trump who lies 75 % of the time.  And compared to Trump, Hitler at least appeared to be a pretty reasonable man for the first half of his political career.

By 1933 and when he became chancellor and a few years afterwards,  Hitler made a lot of sense, even to his future enemies.   He got Germany out of the  Great Depression by the mid 1930’s while it took the United States half way through World War II  to emerge  from the economic abyss.   He was able to reclaim nearly all the territory Germany lost after winding up on the losing side during World War I.   Hitler also created the mightiest military machine in Europe from the paltry 100,000 Army Germany was allowed to keep by the victorious Allied powers under the Treaty of Versailles.  As for the later part of his political career, there’s no question that Hitler lost it.  As for Trump, I don’t think he’s got it in him to achieve a single month’s greatness on any meaningful level.

not exercising your right to vote is a vote for Donald Trump
Admittedly I am no cartoonist. But I was so horrified by the long list of hapless Republican choices for President for the 2012 presidential election that I created the GOP cartoon strip. I’ve had very few people come to this cartoon strip. I wish a lot more would. But I’ve done my best There’s 26 cartoon strips in all, and I had a lot of fun doing each one. I figure I’ve done my patriotic duty as an American and the fact that I have very little skill as an artist does not take away from the fact that I’ve tried.

Trump doesn’t make sense to any thinking rationale person.

He’s a denier of  man made climate change.  This alone makes him an enemy of the entire human race.   And he’s a compulsive liar who cannot be trusted.  About anything.

For years he’s been claiming that our President Obama was not born in the United States.  I’ve seen Trump on television telling the world what a miserable student Obama was.  And yet, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School Magna Cum Laude as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.  Hitler would never have stooped to making such  outrageous accusations.  Not because Hitler was a scrupulous and truthful man, but because he  knew that such lies were so obviously untrue.  Hitler was smart enough to know that he could never get away with it.

Trump gets away with practically everything.  He hasn’t paid any taxes for how many years now?  And he claims to be a true man of the people.  He promises to use his business acumen to successfully run this great country of ours.   He proudly brags about his successful business career as evidence of his wonderful business ability.

But Trumps declared bankruptcy how many times?

As a businessman he’s lost so much money that he doesn’t have to pay any taxes for twenty years.  There’s a long trail of business partners, employees and customers he’s cheated at every turn.   The Trump pigpen of “business success” is rank and smelly beyond belief.

It is  scary to think of such a scoundrel being given the chance to get us into World War III.

If Americans elect him to be president, and he doesn’t turn the world  into a nuclear wasteland, we can all be sure of one thing.

 Planet Earth will still  no longer be  fit to live on.

This Pathetic denier of man made climate change will do his best to halt all that clean energy that needs to be developed to stop mankind from destroying the planet.

Clinton brings a lot of baggage to this election.  True enough.  But it is equally true that she is a very able person who is  quite qualified to perform well as president.  Her character might seem to be dubious, but she’s obviously very intelligent.  And she’s rational.

So, in spite of of Trump being a totally disgusting, lying scumbag, you’re telling me you will still vote for the him?

At least you are man or woman enough to exercise your right to vote.   I’ll give you that.

By voting for Trump you will be enabling the destruction of our planet.    All those clean energy laws the present Obama administration has passed  would be continued under a Clinton  led government.  Under Trump they would fall by the wayside.  There would be horrific climate change, and the destruction of our environment would become unstoppable.   Just think, you can actually make this happen by failing to exercise your right to vote or voting for the unthinkable one.  Trump the Rump.

So who’s worse?  Non voting Americans or someone who’s so badly misinformed that he actually votes for Trump the Rump?

It’s obvious to anyone who’s got even a modicum of common sense that Trump’s a Rump.  A complete Ass this man certainly is.  But we should overlook the infirmities of the intellectually impaired.  Out of pity.

But to be among the Non voting Americans is to separate oneself from what what it means to be American.  Non voting Americans are rejecting the spirit of 1776 which motivated Americans to separate themselves from England.  Over thirty thousand Americans gave their lives to cast off the tyranny of the English crown.  But this was only a token sacrifice compared to the 600,000 Americans who died during the American Civil War in order to assert their political beliefs.   Those were true Americans who lived back then.