Category Archives: Thoughts from the expats corner

Jack Corbett has now been living full time in Thailand as an expat. This category encompasses a wide range of thoughts and subjects from the perspective of being in a strange land thousands of miles from the United States where the culture oftentimes seems to be 180 degrees apart from the values and beliefs of the West.

Thai bar girl rats, do they really want to live like rats?

Big Jim, Dick Fitwell’s most promising disciple in Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City contends all bar girls want to be Thai bar girl rats forever. Which is one of the pivotal issues raised in my latest book.

Thai bar girl rats prefer living in one room together instead of a nice condo with a jacuzzi and other amentities
My jacuzzi is just 49.5 inches long. This latest Soi Six girl loves the luxury of relaxing in this jacuzzi. I think she is the exception of 95 percent of all Soi Six bar girls who would rather live in one room with three or four other bar girls with or without their pimp Thai boyfriends. Big Jim calls all bar girls Thai bar girl rats due to their preferring to live like rats together.

But like his mentor Dick Fitswell, Big Jim’s only meaningful purpose in life is to satisfy the relentless throbbing of his unquenchable penis.

While Fast Eddy, is almost the polar opposite of Big Jim. Who is almost as jaded as the great Dick Fitswell. Who is the man Fitswell chooses to spread the gospel of the Quest for the perfect fit.

The hedonistic pursuit of sex plays a huge role in Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City. Whose characters gratify their sexual needs in various forms. Three devoting themselves to the pursuit of lady boys. Who are regarded throughout the kingdom as Thailand’s Third Sex.

Which is very entertaining for all of you who don’t know much about lady boys.

But it is critical that you understand what Thai bar girl rats are. And how this is should change your whole approach to developing a long term relationship with bar girls.

Because unlike Big Jim, Fast Eddy believes in exceptionism.

Almost all of you will end up thinking, “my girl is different from all the other bar girls”. So let me stop you right now. Because I’m telling you, that your bar girlfriends will wind up sadly disappointing by a factor of 99 to 1. To find out why, you need to read Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City. All 400 pages of it because I cannot begin to describe what you are up against in this post.

But Fast Eddy’s already read Neil Hutchison’s Money Number One, which all of you should read before you arrive at Pattaya to satisfy the urgent throbbing in your groins. But I know Neil personally. And even though Neil wrote Fool in Paradise, The Fool is back and several over sequels to Money Number one, even the great guru himself eventually succumbed to “the great exception” to what he has taught thousands of his readers. But Neil never had to go through what Fast Eddy’s been through with his unforgettable Kit. While Big Jim tells Fast Eddy Kit is the number one out of all the other Thai bar girl rats.

Big Jim tells Fast Eddy, these bar girls are programmed in Thailand like no other country has ever done. To believe that Thainess is everything.

That Thais are the greatest people on earth and all of us foreigners are inferior to Thai greatness. Foreigners have nothing to teach us and are not worth anything so long as they keep giving us money.

You can give them a beautiful home, life long security which they never have had. You can support their entire family, but in the end all of them want to end up as Thai bar girl rats. And take them to America, take them to Japan and Hong Kong. Show them the world but all of this means nothing. They want to live and eat Thainess, dream Thainess, and if given the chance they will leave you in the gutter if you ever run out of money.

Fast Eddy’s thoughts are along similar lines. He knows that 90 percent of all Soi Six girls have Thai boyfriends. More than one Soi Six mamasan has told him that the Walking Street go go girls and the Soi Six prostitutes work for their Thai boyfriends. And that their foreign boyfriends will forever only be Atms to them. But the beautiful Kit’s different. Due to a bond they have together that’s never been tested before between a bar girl and her foreign sponsor. A connection of life and death.

I finished writing Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City five months ago. But Big Jim’s theory of Thai bar girl rats still persists as I keep having to deal with one bar girl after the other.

According to Big Tom, all bar girls prefer living in a single room with three other bar girls or with their Thai boyfriends sleeping three or four to a bed than living in a nice condo like mine.

And then I met still one more Soi Six bar girl one month ago.

I told her two stories the first night I saw her while we were having Thai Whiskey’s together. And within half an hour she had broken into no stop hysterical laughter. When I told her I wanted to go down the street to drink with a Soi Six manager friend of mine, she kept asking me to take her upstairs. Thinking this girl likes me already, I decided to take her up on it. Which ended up better than I ever thought.

Then I hit three more Soi Six bars ending up at Toy Box where I found the manager having the time of his life. While being the ringleader of a huge spontaneous party that would make the Delta House fraternity from Animal House proud. While most of the Soi Six bars had already closed at midnight, Toy Box was still going strong at 1:30. I left at 1:30, half smashed on my ass and headed straight to my motorbike that I had left in front of the woman’s bar. And there she was, standing in front of her bar waiting for me. The bar long since closed. So I put her on my motorbike and took her back to my condo.

She’s been here four times already. But even that first night she discovered that the shower in my large bedroom accompanied my small jacuzzi, In the last two years no girl had ever tried to use the jacuzzi. Each girl deciding that the shower would get the job done.

But each night this girl stayed with me she kept using my jacuzzi, filling the tub two thirds full of hot sudsy water.

I was in the toilet getting rid of all the food she was eating. So I’d stand by the door asking her if everything was already. And when she told me she was doing just fine, I would come in and look at her beautiful body lying among all those soap suds. Then just three nights ago I decided to jump in with her even though that jacuzzi of mine was only about four feet long, making it too small for me alone unless I put my legs up over the far side.

But no problem. I just put my legs up around her shoulders and one thing led to another.

But good god, that girl is one hell of an eating machine. Now we all know that most Thai bar girls eat four or five times a day. But eating 8 times a day?

That’s double the amount of meals all the rest of the girls are eating. So the first thing this girl tells me whenever we come back to my condo is, “Me want cooking.” So today I went to my fridge to find a couple eggs so I could make an omelette for myself. But there was not a single egg left, which means in one night and the next morning she had cooked over nine eggs which she had made into an omelette or some form of Thai food or another.

So I started thinking about Big Jim’s theory about Thai bar girl rats. This Soi Six girl was living in a single room above her Soi Six bar. Where she had no cooking facilities whatever. While she had been enjoying my small jacuzzi to the utmost. And whenever the subject of a new Pattaya Lock down comes up she keeps telling me she want to stay with me as long as the lockdown lasts.

Is this girl the exception of Big Jim’s theory about Thai bar girl rats?

Because if she really prefers living with two or three other Thai women in a single room she’s not going to have a big kitchen to cook in. While unlike Kit and Belle each of them staying with me over a month. Belle during the last lockdown, neither ever tried to use my jacuzzi which obviously this girl had gotten addicted to.

Even it there is a new lockdown, I think I”m going to stay in my condo by my lonesome. Where I can do whatever I want and not have to cater to the wants and needs of a bar girl.

Especially this bar girl’s relentless addiction to food.

I think I’ll just have this new freelancer girlfriend who has her own room come and go whenever I need a woman’s presence. I can have her clean my condo each week. She lives very close to me. And she’s pretty low maintenance. And perhaps another woman or two. As to Big Jim. As usual he’s wrong. Because this particular Soi Six girl isn’t about to run off to live with a bunch of Thai bar girl rats. Not if she’s given a choice for a far superior place to stay. Where she’s got air conditioning, great internet, and a large kitchen. Or that sensational jacuzzi of mine where she can do her bubble bath.

Click here to buy Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City from Amazon in paperback or for your Kindle or Smart Phone.

Trump and U Grant Traitor and Patriot

Trump and U Grant pits the worse president in 250 years of American History against perhaps the greatest American patriot of all.

Trump and U Grant human skulls from the battle of Cold Harbor
1250 Union soldiers were killed in the first few minutes at Cold Harbor. When it comes to Trump and U Grant, in spite of Grant’s relentless drive to victory no matter what the cost, Grant was a true patriot who was completely devoted to ending the American Civil War. Which was the deadliest war in American History. Donald Trump is a melomaniac devoted only to himself and holding onto power to the extent of starting a new Civil War between Americans. There’s Fascism, and there’s Communism. And now there’s Trumpism which is the most demonic force in the entire course of American History.

All of us will never understand how diabolical Donald Trump is unless we compare Trump and U Grant who ended the American Civil War

Because you don’t have to do much research to understand how deceitful he is. The man’s more than your normal piece of crap liar. Under his watch the covid 19 virus has already killed more than 300000 Americans. Trump showed Americans they don’t have to wear a mask by example. Nor has his vice president–Mike Pence. The man is obviously a selfish prick. Who is out for Donald Trump number one at the expense of his country. But enough about Trump. Just listen to him talk. No sane rational man can embrace what is so clearly self evident.

But out of all of Trump’s sins the worse thing he’s done is to promote Civil War in the United States while trying to disenfranchise over 60 millions American voters so that he can remain president. His repeated challenges to the will of the American voter by using the courts to invalidate this November 2020 presidential election is a direct attack on American Democracy. It is a whole system of government with all its checks and balances. Thankfully all of his attempts to use the American judiciary to overthrow the will of the American people have failed. Including the latest decision by the Supreme Court to strike down his attempts to sabotage the American voter.

To understand Trump and U Grant I feel compelled to explain who Ulysses S. Grant was and what he achieved to insure the survival of the United States of America.

Because few Americans read books anymore. While very few read real newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal or the Christian Science Monitor. So now I’m going to tell everyone a lot about Ulysses S. Grant and just how great a man he was.

To those who are utterly ignorant of their nations History, the U.S. had a Civil War from 1861-1865. 600000 Americans died. during the Civil war, the most deadly war in our History. The American Civil War pitted the Northern States against the Southern States which established its own separate nation. The main Southern Army was led by Robert E. Lee. who is generally regarded as a military genius who fought the Northern Armies to a standstill.

In spite of the North having 30 to 100 percent more soldiers. But by 1863 the North found a new commander in Ulysses S. Grant who won all his major battles on the Western front in Tennessee and Mississippi. Grant was an alcoholic, the word went out. So when Abraham Lincoln heard the rumors, he remarked, “Find out what kind of whiskey Grant drinks and give it to all my other generals. At least Grant is a fighter.

But Grant never had to face Bobby Lee before.

Eventually President Lincoln made Grant the overall commander of all the Northern armies. And then Grant went after General Robert E Lee. Now I had read over 50 books on the American Civil War by the time I was 14, so I thought I knew a lot about the Civil War back in those days. I imagined Lee as a brilliant handsome leader riding a white horse. The best of the best pulling miracles out of certain defeat. While I saw Grant as a short, unremarkable man wearing a private’s uniform who never showed off. Who was quiet and unflappable under all circumstances. This was a man who never lost his cool while bullets were flying all around him.

If one were to compare Grant to a boxer, you are looking at a Rocky Marciano or a Joe Frazier. Two champions renowned for mounting a relentless attack until they had worn their opponent down.

I had learned from my History books that Grant knew he had twice as many soldiers as Robert E. Lee. And that he had the common sense to understand that he could lose a lot more men than Lee could. But if Lee had as many soldiers as Grant, he would completely destroy him. But lee lost to superior numbers and munitions. In a war the South would later call the Lost Cause. The peerless Robert E. Lee would go down in History to rank with Julius Caesar, Napoleon and other legendary commanders. While Grant would rank no higher than a butcher who knew what he was doing.

Grant was able so assemble a brilliant group of Northern generals and eventually win a war of attrition against Lee. And later serve as president of the U.S. from 1869 to 1877. A few years later, Grant wrote his memoirs while dying of throat cancer. Which is a remarkable achievement in itself.

Several years ago I read a new book which compared Grant to General Lee. Gene Smith’s “Lee and Grant” made a new believer of me.

Because the author concluded that Ulysses Grant a better general than Robert E. Lee.

Whereas Lee was a brilliant tactician, Grant was the far more brilliant strategist of the two. Grant had the unique ability to closely coordinate three or four armies at the same time while Lee couldn’t even couldn’t come close.

So what does this all have to do with any kind of comparison between Trump and U Grant? A lot. But I didn’t know how much until I finished reading Grant’s memoirs. Which comprises not one but two volumes. After completing Grant’s memoirs today, I am completely overwhelmed by how great a man Grant was. Here’s a man living the last year of his life in considerable pain, completing a two volume memoir, that is regarded even today as a well written classic from the horse’s mouth. Just imagine the courage and fortitude of a man dying of cancer writing not one but two volumes giving a bird’s eye view of the Civil War? Well yes, Grant had been fearless in battle. But there had been many other great Civil War generals who had never known the meaning of fear.

What started to impress me the most from reading Grant’s memoirs was that in spite of his having cancer he had retained a nearly photographic memory.

Grant explains in nearly infinite detail every notable landmark in every single battle he was involved in. Including every single creek and river, each river crossing and the details of the fortifications of each army. Straight off I realized that Grant was awesomely brilliant.

But when you compare Trump and U Grant, Trump is all about himself. While Grant is the modest nondescript hero who simply fades into the background.

And yet, there’s something about him that inspires his soldiers to have total confidence in their commander and in their own invincibility.

This is something I had never encountered before in all my previous reading about the American Civil War. That in the final year of the war the northern soldiers fighting for the United States of America truly regarded themselves as invincible.

And in his memoirs Grant explains how the Armies of either the South or the North could defeat any other army in the world.

Grant explains why the armies of either side, Union or Confederate could defeat any Europeans army of the second half of the nineteenth century. Americans fighting during the Civil War were totally devoted to their cause. Whether it be the preservation of slavery. Or in the case of the South, states rights versus the supremacy of the Federal government. The American Civil War was the deadliest war in American History. It lasted over four years with over 600000 Americans dying for their cause. No European Army had the same degree of commitment in those times. No European Army exhibited the tenacity and devotion to a cause greater than subservience to their emperor. As Grant explains so forcefully, even the best trained and skilled European soldiers were mercenaries. Whereas their American Civil War counterparts were true patriots regardless of which side they fought for.

If Trumpism spawns a new Civil War in the U.S. There’s not going to be a devotion to a noteworthy cause. It’s going to be all about me. It’s going to be the white supremist of the Republican Party going violent because “the other side didn’t respect us. Or you hired blacks over whites. And it is Trump urging them on. It’s going to get bad. Really bad. And if Trump and his selfish cohorts get their way, the United States will have destroyed itself from within. Think Hitler. Think Nazism. Because only then will you understand the difference between Trump and U Grant.

Virus World War II. The Corona 19 virus is at least 4 times deadlier

Do not believe all those fake conspiracy stories. The Corona 19 World War II? The virus is far deadlier than World War II ever was. At least for Americans. And I’m going to prove it to everyone one of you who possesses the ability to reason and retain a logical mind.

(sorry about my constantly using the key phrase “Virus World War II”as it’s bad English, but if I don’t this essay won’t do well in the search engines.)

virus vs World War II.  this picture of Pearl Harbor shows it's not even close
On Dec. 7, 1941. the Japanese killed 2403 American servicemen at Pearl Harbor. Which started World War II for the U.S. On December 9 3263 Americans died from the Corona 19 virus. The virus World War II? it’s not even a close contest. With 3000 Americans dying every day, the virus is far more deadly.

It is now December 13, 2020, Yesterday World Meters Info reported 2974 American deaths caused by the virus. There were 3263 deaths the day before. While it is likely that the death rate for the U.S. will become even greater. This is due to still colder temperatures and Americans traveling a lot during the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. By the end of today over 300000 Americans will have died from the virus. There were 291557 combat deaths during World War II (source). And 405,399 military deaths from all causes. So let’s just pick the higher number for U.S. military deaths and run with it.

It took 3.5 years for 405,399 American combatants to die during World War II.

But it took the United States 3.75 years to reach those 407300 military deaths. Whereas in only 10 months 300000 Americans died from the Corona 19 virus. We can then extrapolate that if the current death rate were to continue there would be 1 million-two hundred thousand deaths within 3.75 years. The Corona 19 Virus vs World War II? There’s no comparison.

If you want to deny the real facts of the Corona 19 virus World War II.

Think again. Because you have probably been getting your facts from social media, Fox News and other disreputable sources.

Surplus deaths gives us a pretty good idea of how lethal the virus is

Take one month’s death toll for any city, county or state in the U.S. And you will get a figure for the total death toll from all causes. Such as cancer, pneumonia, car accidents, homicides, natural causes.

Take Texas for example. I am going to give you some hypothetical figures to prove my point. Let’s suppose that 10000 people died in Texas from all causes in December, 2019. While at the end of December 2020 12500 will die from all causes. The 2500 additional deaths occurring in December of 2020 over December, 2019 represent 2500 surplus deaths from all causes. We must now find out what has caused these 2500 additional deaths. Certainly there are more Texans living in Texas in 2020 than there were in 2019. Let’s put that figure at 2.5 percent. Or even 5 percent. If we use the higher number of 5 percent we still have 20 percent surplus deaths. now we must question, what has caused 20 percent more Texans to die in December, 2020 over the previous year’s total?

Did close to 2500 Texans die from car accidents in December, 2020 than the previous year’s total? Or cancer? From the flu? Homicides?

No way. And if you think there were look the real numbers up for yourself. How about cancer? Or death by homicide? Or how about the flu? And so on. There are statistics galore that prove there was no meaningful increase of deaths from all causes, if there is any increase at all that can ac deadlier than World War II count for almost 2500 surplus deaths.

Pure logic tells us that the only explanation for close to 2500 surplus deaths must be due to the Corona 19 virus.

The Corona 19 Virus World War II tells us the virus is far more lethal than World War II ever was.

You bet it is. World War II doesn’t even come close. So how many Americans will have died from the virus within one year becomes pretty irrelevant. Still, one might want to guess just how many Americans will have died from the virus in a single year. From March 1 of 2020 to March 1 of 2021.

Let’s begin. Today is December 13 of 2020.

I predict that another 3000 Americans will have died at the end of the day. So the total number of deaths will have exceeded 300000 in less than 9 1/2 months.

But we still have 18 days left for this month. At 3000 deaths per day I predict that over 353000 Americans will have died according to the “official count”.

Since January 2021 has 31 days at 3000 deaths per day, another 93000 Americans will have died from the virus.

Which would bring the official total up to over 450000 Americans within a single year. Virus World War II?There is no comparison. In a single year the virus will have killed more Americans than World War II over a 3.75 year period.

However, the real total will have exceeded the official virus death toll by at least 20 percent

We still have 20 percent surplus deaths in the U.S that are unexplained. Unless these additional deaths have been caused by the virus. So the real number of deaths caused by the virus is 540000. According to my own analysis. Which I predict will be the generally accepted figure in the years to come. But even this 540000 annual death toll can get even higher.

It is likely in the next two months that U.S. hospitals will be overwhelmed by the number of patients requiring medical care to be well over 200000 new virus cases per day. So people requiring urgent medical care will be turned away from the care they need in U.S. hospitals. This means there are going to be far more surplus deaths than the current 20 percent rate.

I know a lot of you will now be saying that a lot of these additional deaths will be caused by automobile accidents, strokes, heart attacks, etc But you are wrong.

Because it doesn’t matter what the primary cause of death is. If for example a person is not able to get into the emergency room after having a heart attack, and he dies because of it, the virus is still the cause of death. The reason is had he been able to get the hospital care he needed, he would not have died. So the virus becomes a secondary cause of the death. Even though the primary cause is the heart attack.

So it is no contest, the U.S. Corona 19 Virus is deadlier than World War II by a huge margin.

Face the facts people, we are at war. And when it comes to being a war time president our imbecile sitting in the white house is certainly no Franklin D. Roosevelt. By the time the dust has settled in the evolution of time as the real facts come out, Donald Trump will go down as the worse president in our History by a magnitude of ten. But that’s another subject. I just had to get my two cents in for future generations to ponder.

My latest book (I have written and published five books) is Pattaya Pattaya Pattaya Confessions of Sin City is my first hand account of how the Corona 19 virus has devastated Pattaya, Thailand

a sea side resort with a metropolitan population of 2 million. If you want to imagine what it’s like in full lockdown living with a beautiful 24 year old Thai woman you have just met when the city’s 4000 plus bars have closed and there’s not a single restaurant open, this book is the real deal.

Confessions from Pattaya Thailand's Sin City
But the book goes far beyond the virus hitting Pattaya. It starts out with a beautiful Russian woman “drowning in our condo swimming pool. But she didn’t drown. Did the Russian mafia do her in? As the real chairman of my 62 unit condo building, I’ve tried to find out what really happened to Tatiana. There’s a lot about corruption here that I have had to deal with in real life. And what to do about a trusted Thai employee who’s embezzled $35000? We got most of it back. But how? Want to know about lady boys? Thailand’s third sex and why so many heterosexual men choose them over real women? Or how about the U.S. Navy allowing its sailors to frequent Pattaya’s most notorious red light district, Soi Six, This was after the passengers of a cruise ship came down with the virus in epidemic proportions. You didn’t read about it in the papers, but we saw it first hand, all those U.S sailors strolling through Pattaya’s most infamous brothels.