Takes you inside the Dollies Play House strip club in Washington Park Illinois where you will be meeting Mistress Mary and two heroin addicts, Marriah who’s constantly talking up her stripper’s Heroin Addiction. And Doctor Doom.
Because I beat Larry up, the C-Mowes bouncer , I am Marriah’s hero who is very proud of her stripper’s Heroin addiction.

I am sitting at the Dollies Playhouse bar only a few feet away from Steve, the club owner indulging in some hanky panky
with Mistress Mary when the Dollies Playhouse bouncer orders me to leave. Marriah stands up and advances towards the bar, yelling, “Jack Stays. You cannot kick him out.” While Mistress Mary shouts at the bouncer, “You can’t kick Jack out.” But when Mistress Mary and Marriah talk, people listen. Due to Marriah’s making no bones about her stripper’s heroin addiction. And Mistress Mary’s being an accomplished dominatrix.
Steve has been preoccupied making drinks for his customers behind the bar. Although he’s standing in front of Mistress Mary and me, he is oblivious to how we provoked his bouncer. But as club owner, he must react to his bouncer’s evicting me from Dollies. Steve looks at Mistress Mary, then Marriah and replies to his bouncer. “Jack Stays.”
“Two Heroin Addicts” is the title of chapter three. I start staying overnight at Marriah’s House sleeping on a couch in the living room. Where I soon meet Doctor Doom, who Marriah keeps calling “My brother.”
Doctor Doom is a scary looking guy. He’s living off what Marriah makes stripping at Dollies. So he’s a leech. And a heroin junkie. Before much time passes I watch Doc inject heroin into his knuckles. While Doc comments: “this way there’s no visible needle marks. Besides, pure heroin is a lot better for people than that Methadone crap they use to get people off heroin.” As you read the book, you will soon learn that Doc’s words prove to be prophetic. Doc is no fool when it comes to drug addiction and how the United States is dealing with it. While Marriah is very proud of her stripper’s heroin addition.

It doesn’t take long before I’m doing drug runs with Marriah or Doc. Who take me to some very potentially dangerous areas in East Saint Louis and other municipalities in the Saint Louis Metro East. But I don’t do drugs unless you count all the tequila and beer I’ve been drinking. While I’m bored to death doing so many heroin runs with my two new friends.
I figure Doctor Doom is another lazy junkie living off his dancer girlfriend. But it turns out that Doc and Marriah never sleep with each other. And I start seeing a totally different side to Doc after he finishes reading my first novel, Death on the Wild Side. Doc finishes 464 pages of it in less than three days.
Doc will turn out to be a major character in Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer. In the end I will be dedicating this latest book to Doc. While I even considered titling it “Doc.”
By now all of you must be asking yourselves, why is Jack describing the many chapters of his latest book in his blog? I figure this, I’ve got a lot of pictures in Life of an Exotic Entertainment Photographer and there are a lot of very compelling characters I’ve met along the way to becoming one of the best known adult photographers in the United States. I will wind up being the main photographer shooting digital pictures in sixty million dollar clubs. And since my alphapro.com web site is so huge whenever I can I’m going to link pages and pictures of my main characters so that my readers can identify more closely with the book’s fascinating characters I met.