24 minutes of how we do it for Soi Six nonstop action: Five hours of tequila with Mali, Koy, Koy and Silent Bob.

This is the first time Mali’s ever shot video with my Nikon Z7ii. In this video Mali shoots Koy and I dancing together which is terrific because now we can shoot Soi Six nonstop action without my always having to be behind the camera.
There’s a big party coming up on July 7. Will it be at Hot Shots or will it be at The Spot? Either way Silent Bob’s going to be our DJ. 20000 baht’s going to the girl who dances the best. According to the five judges we will pick from the bar’s customers.
So why am I calling these four videos Soi Six nonstop action? For one thing I’ve done very little editing to these four videos. Other than getting the white balance just right and cutting out a few seconds of blurred footage here and there. And that’s about it. While there can be no doubt that both Koy and Mali are drinking LOTS of Tequila. Or that Koy once again proves again that she’s the main instigator at Repent bar. Unless it’s the other Koy, the cashier. Who keeps bringing us more tequila than any of us can reasonably handle.
No one can begin to get this kind of Soi Six nonstop action in any go-go bar. Because there’s nothing that approaches the comradery one finds on Soi Six. And if you don’t believe me or pay attention to my videos listen up to Mali. Who will soon be doing a short interview for me about why Soi Six is the n umber one entertainment venue in Pattaya.