Thailand now ranks number one for Traffic butchery in the world according to TNA (Technology Needs Assessment). This is out of over 200 countries.
How did Thailand become number one in traffic fatalities?
I’m going to cite four reasons for this Traffic Butchery existing on an epic scale.
- The first is the keyword I’m using here for Google “Traffic Butchery” Too many Thai drivers drive with murderous intent.
- The second is the fact that Thailand’s traffic authorities do absolutely nothing to enforce Thailand law that governs traffic.
- The third is that in Thailand money is number one.
- The fourth is the prevailing attitude here in Thailand of Mai pen rai. Which means, “Who gives a shit”.
Let’s put the numbers in perspective
TNA reported from a meeting in Bangkok on Monday that the death toll in 2016 was 22,356 – that was 2,877 up from the figure for 2015 which was 19,479.Thailand has 69 million people. The U.S. has 323 million. So if the U.S. had the same rate of Traffic Butchery as Thailand, the United States would have 104,000 road deaths per year. Such carnage is unacceptable to Americans who would be up in arms.
But the prevalent attitude for most Thais is “Mai pen rai”. Who gives a shit.
Most Thais simply do not care how dangerous it is to drive here. They don’t care that the land office is not doing its job carrying out title transfers for condo and house sales. And that the head honchos there seem to be only interested in collecting bribes. Or that it is likely that thievery is once again raising its ugly head in my own condo community where I’m chairman. My own girlfriend keeps telling me, “This is none of our business. It’s strictly between the thief and his victim.” And they don’t care that the Thai police is not doing its job, so long as all this is not affecting ME ME ME.
Lack of police enforcement of existing traffic laws.
I will be short and sweet on this one. I’ve now lived full time for over 12 years in Pattaya. And not one time, have I ever seen a Thai policeman stop one person for driving against the flow of traffic. For driving through a red light. Or for reckless driving. And yet, I cannot drive my motorcycle for more than ten minutes without witnessing at least one incident of Thais breaking the traffic laws.
Money is number one in Thailand.
The land office is corrupt. So are the police. Money is also number one with most bar girls, but they are relatively innocent compared to the police, city hall, land office and other government institutions. One reason the police do not stop reckless Thai drivers is they don’t think they can get any money from these reprobates. So the police does nothing about all the Thais running red lights. Or driving the wrong way down one way streets. Since the police are completely unwilling to punish Thais for reckless driving Thais now feel that they can do anything they want with their cars and motorcycles.
The last reason for Thailand ranking number one for Traffic butchery is too many Thais drive with murderous intent.
I’m going to explain this by comparing Vietnam drivers to Thai drivers when they confront pedestrians crossing the street. The traffic in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is even worse than it is in Thailand. Oftentimes it seems impossible to cross a major street in these cities. The pedestrian is confronted with an impenetrable sea of cars and motorcycles. The secret is to simply wade out through all that traffic.
A miracle then happens. Remember how Moses parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross and escape the Pharaoh’s army? All those Vietnamese driving their motorbikes start to slowly veer the around the pedestrian. Allowing him to cross the busy street in complete safety. Bottom line is Vietnamese drivers respect pedestrians and offer them the right away. Same as in America.
But too many Thai motorcyclists aim their bikes right on a pedestrian who’s crossing the street. In fact it’s not unusual for a speeding motorcyclist to accelerate as he bears down on a hapless pedestrian. Such drivers are complete animals who should be locked in a cage.
Some 45% of deaths involve motorcycles, 5% are pedestrians and 1% cyclists according to TNA
This 5 % figure supports what I’m saying about the murderous intent of too many Thai drivers.
Three out of four deaths are male
Here we go. Thai women drivers are much better drivers than the men. The reason is too many male drivers are ruled by too much testosterone. So to prove their manhood they drive with murderous intent. The solution is to put these vermin behind bars and to keep them there.
I’m now going to sum up why Thailand’s number one in the world for Traffic butchery. Songkran. This is the infernal idiotic water holiday that explains the entire Thai mindset on traffic safety.

Nothing can be more horrific than what this picture shows. In conclusion one phrase describes why Thailand is now number on in the world for Traffic butchery: Complete mindlessness.