Category Archives: Survival tools for Japanese

Because so many Japanese men are shy, polite, and wish to avoid conflict they fall prey too often to Pattaya Go Go Bars which victimize their Japanese customers who pay too much for too little. Our mission is to help Japanese men get a lot more for a lot less money when they deal with Pattaya bar girls

Japanese politeness is ruining Pattaya Walking Street

Ironically it is Japanese politeness that is ruining the Pattaya Walking Street go go bars.  The cause is Japanese men agreeing to outrageous pricing.

With the word getting out  how much cheaper it is to buy sex in Pattaya than in Japan,

I know about Japanese politeness personally
My good friend Takoi and my Thai girlfriend in Tokyo 5 years ago. Takoi and I became good friends when we were in our mid twenties. I was getting my MBA from St. Louis University while he was getting his Masters in Engineering. Now that over 40 years have passed we are still great friends.  So is my friend oftentimes over polite?  You bet he is.  He’s Japanese and a great friend.

Japanese tour groups have gone overboard in targeting Pattaya as a premiere hunting ground for beautiful available women.

Although not long ago certain go go bars such as Super Girls, Super Babes and Baccharat have been targeting  the Japanese, the incursion of Japanese men had been limited only to a few clubs.

This incursion has recently become an invasion that has taken over most of the Walking Street Go Go bars.   This pestilence has been the ruination of the Walking Street go go bars.  And the pestilence cuts two ways.  1.  It’s ruinous  for those who are unwilling to pay the outrageously high prices Japanese men are willing to pay.  And 2. Even the Japanese  will seek cheaper countries when their Pattaya go bar playground’s pricing gets too high.

There are currently seven go go bars that have the same owners. These include the Lighthouse, Crazy House, Bacchara, and the Shark Club.

Back in 2006, most of Pattaya’s Go Go bars charged 600 baht bar fines of 600 baht while the girls charged 1000 baht for short time and 1500 baht long time.  With the American dollar at 40 baht, this meant that a man could bar fine a go go girl for $15.00.   Take her home  for $25.00.   All for just $40.00.

Fast forward to the present now that hordes of Japanese tourists have descended on Pattaya’s go go bars.  And how Japanese politeness is ruining the Walking Street Go Go bars for everyone.

  The typical bar fine is currently 1000 to 1500 baht now that the coyote way of doing business has come to dominate the Walking Street go go bars.  Meanwhile short time prices have escalated to  2000 baht to 2500 baht.

At today’s exchange rate of 32 baht to the American dollar this represents $100 to $125.00 for just one short time and that’s not even including all the high priced drinks one’s likely to consume beforehand.

It’s not going to be very long before we will be approaching $200.00 for a single short time with a Pattaya go go girl.    One of the primary reasons for this is Japanese politeness.  Specifically it’s  when Japanese men  too readily agree to  the outrageous demands  go go bars and the girls are ramming down their throats.

Take the practice of convincing a go go bar’s customers into buying all those ridiculously priced ping pong balls

Customers throw the ping pong balls at the go go girls.  Who then scurry shamelessly across the floor on their hands and knees trying to gather as many as they can.  The girls then turn in their captured ping pong balls for cash.

You’ve seen the signs on the walls of the go go bars.  Especially on the bathroom walls screaming out at the customers.

“Be a nice guy.  Be a real king among men and buy fifty ping pong falls for a measly 3000 baht?”

Good God, that’s a hundred American dollars and for what?

If you ever see an Englishman or an American falling for this ruse, you are looking at one real stupid sad sack of a man.  I mean really!  But the Japanese are not stupid.  They just seem to be and it’s all on account of their confounded Japanese politeness.

What does a man gain by spending a hundred dollars just to watch a bunch of money hungry women groveling around a floor.   This pantomime  proves conclusively that money is indeed number one in Thailand.   These dumb shows only remind me that a woman is willing to do anything  to get it?

This is in Kyoto almost 4 years ago.  

Does a man get the sexual experience of a lifetime from buying all those stupid ping pong balls?

He should, at those insane price levels.   No self respecting Englishman or American would ever do that.  And if you ever see an American, Englishman or even a German doing it, you can be sure that this man needs to go to a mental institution.

“So why do you Japanese indulge yourselves in such Ping Pong madness?”

“I’ll answer that.”

“It’s because of your confounded Japanese politeness.”

I think you Japanese are very different.

Japanese men are typically polite people who build damn good cars, motorcycles, television sets and wonderful optical  instruments such as cameras and binoculars.

You are making great advances in global climate change.   To my notion you are the most admirable people in Asia.  You are obviously far from stupid.  But you do like to avoid conflict and are not the kind given to haggle over prices.  Especially when it comes to a group of men who have set out on an evening enjoying themselves.

Especially in Pattaya where a man can easily get beaten up or killed for protesting against being overcharged.

My girlfriend always wanted to see snow. Problem was we go to the U.S. in August. When there’s no snow. Ironically we saw too much snow when we went to Japan nearly 4 years ago. A blizzard caused us to miss the miss that would have taken us to our hotel in Tokyo from the airport. So we took a taxi. There was a lot of snow and ice on the road and the taxi spun out and hit the railing. The impact caused my head to strike the taxi’s window. But not too hard. I wasn’t really hurt, but too bad for the taxi driver who would have to pay the damages to his vehicle. He took it in stride, however. It’s the Japanese politeness that kept him from losing his cool.

I can’t ever forget that old Irish friend of mine who got the hell beaten out of him by Thais.

And only because he refused to buy a drink for a Soi 7 bar girl.  The girl asked him to buy her a drink.  He refused.

This didn’t matter to the Englishman who owned the bar,  When my Irish friend finally asked for his bill he noticed he had been charged for a lady drink for the girl he didn’t order.  The English bar owner insisted that he pay the entire bill.  When he continued to protest the Englishman moved towards him in a threatening manner.  Which caused him to back into a Thai man. The Thai man then promptly punched my friends lights out while he was focusing on the menacing English bar owner.

When my friend finally came to the police were already there hovering over him.    Then he pointed at the English bar owner who was trying his utmost to hide from the police.  But the police simply ignored my Irish friend, and then they put him in jail.  By that time his Thai assailant had already disappeared.

This story is not something I had just read about or what someone told me about in a bar.  I was the one who got the phone call from the Irishman and it was I who went down to the police station at 5:30 in the morning to bail him out.

My friend’s face looked like hamburger.  His eyes were two solid red colored orbs minus both the retina and pupil.

I  had to take him home on my motorcycle.  And got to see for myself how the Thai criminal justice system works.

How many times have the Walking Street go go bars overcharged me for drinks ?  And how many times have I had to put up with a go go girl bringing a second girl to my table.  Only to have the girl tell me I should buy drinks for both of them because the second girl was her sister?

Sister my ass!  I learned that trick over 8 years ago, so don’t try to pull it on me.

Truth is most Pattaya go go bars treat their customers despicably.

I really like most Japanese men, but hey guys, it’s us against them.  I mean you who are Japanese and me, and I’m American.    It’s time that you start to recognize who the real enemy is and that’s the  high prices the go go bars are charging us.

Those high prices are already getting to be so high that soon you won’t want to be coming here anymore.   You are a very intelligent, high minded race of people.  It’s high time that everyone cooperate together to keep Pattaya Walking Street from becoming a place you will never want to go back to.

As to Japanese politeness, hey I love it, especially when I’m visiting Japan.  Like last February when all you Japanese treated me like a king.  Yep.  That was in Tokyo and Kyoto.  But when it comes to Walking Street go go bars, it’s far better to question the prices of everything.  From what we are being charged for our drinks, to bar fines, to the tips we pay the girls.  With or without the sex.  We are, after all, in this together.  Aren’t we?

 As for all those ping pong balls, please deposit them in the nearest toilet where they belong. And all your Japanese politeness?  Please leave it at home where it is appreciated.