Category Archives: Survival tools for Japanese

Because so many Japanese men are shy, polite, and wish to avoid conflict they fall prey too often to Pattaya Go Go Bars which victimize their Japanese customers who pay too much for too little. Our mission is to help Japanese men get a lot more for a lot less money when they deal with Pattaya bar girls

Japanese men Pattaya Go Go Bars is what this category is about

Japanese men  Pattaya Go Go Bars getting cheaper and far better treatment from Pattaya go go bars and bar girls is what this category is all about. Some of this site’s other categories are go go bars, beer bars, you tube videos, etc.  So if you are Japanese you might be wondering why am I putting Japanese men Pattaya go go bars in a special category of their own?  Why haven’t I chosen Australians, Germans, or Englishmen or any other national group other than Japanese?  Because of a long lost friendship, and that friendship newly found, I have found a special place for Nippon in my heart, its core values, and the fact that Japanese in general do so many things so well.

This includes most Japanese men Pattaya Go Go Bars who treat go go dancers  too well for their own good.

Halloween on Pattaya Walking Street

Japanese men Pattaya go go bars
Japanese men Pattaya go go bars. The two are coming together as Japanese men do not only not have problems overpaying for women in the go go bars. They savor it.

Just two weeks ago, I returned from a trip to Japan where I visited Tokyo and Kyoto.  I knew you Japanese would treat me well, but what I found far exceeded my expectations.

I was meeting up with a great friend of mine who I had not seen for over 15 years.  We had first met in St. Louis while he was getting his Masters Degree in Engineering from Washington University.  While I was getting my MBA from St. Louis University.  That was forty years ago when I was 26 and my friend was 22.  After T returned to Tokyo, I visited Japan in 1982 where we met again.  By this time my friend was married, and T and his wife started having children.  He visited my father and me in the U.S. several years later.

T told us how expensive things had gotten in Japan.  And how the family business was finding it more and more difficult to compete with other Asian countries that could produce the same products far cheaper.  I came up with an idea for him about a product line that he could offer.  The  next thing I knew was that he had taken my advice and moved to another country in Asia where he and his family remained for over 20 years.

Then my father died.  The house was sold.  I moved from my farm.  And my Japanese friend and I were no longer able to find each other.  I searched for my good friend on the internet, found nothing. And concluded that I’d never see him again.  And then a Christmas card arrived at my farm from Japan, and the people living there e-mailed me it came from Japan.  I sent a letter to T’s address in Japan which included my email address.  And my old friend and I were once again in contact.

While my young Thai girlfriend and I were in Japan, T went way beyond anything even the closest friends do for each other.

The service we got at both our Tokyo  and Kyoto hotels was exceptional, but it was the hotel in Kyoto that impressed my Thai girlfriend the most.  She said, “In Thailand a hotel gives good service because the hotel considers money to be number one, but here (in Japan) it comes from the heart.”  My girlfriend recognized that our Japanese hosts prided themselves not only on giving great customer service and making their guests feel comfortable, but that their smiles were genuine because they really wanted for their guests to be happy and content.  Neither of us had ever felt this level of customer service anywhere else in the world.

By the time we got back to Thailand my girlfriend had developed a great love for Japanese food which she now ranks second only to Thai food and way above Vietnamese or Malaysian cuisine.  And she had certainly gained a huge respect for the Japanese people.

By now you are probably asking yourselves, what does all this have to do with my keywords here, Japanese men Pattaya go go bars?

That question had popped up while my girlfriend and I were having dinner over at T’s home in Tokyo.  I had asked my friend, “what is it with all these Japanese men in Pattaya go go bars?  They buy all these ping pong balls.  So that they can throw them at the bar girls. The girls then get 100 baht for each ping pong ball they can scoop up.  And Japanese men in Pattaya Go Go Bars are notorious for giving the bar girls huge tips just for sitting with them.  Then if they take the bar girls back to their hotels  for sex they pay them three times what my friends and I would ever think of paying them.  Consider what Stickman’s remarks about Japanese overpaying  Pattaya bar girls.

My Japanese friend replied to me, “Most Japanese men in Pattaya go go bars are shy. Most of them do not speak good English.

They don’t know how to act in go go bars and they don’t know what is expected of them.  So when the go go bar, the mamasan, or go go girl tells them the price of anything most Japanese men in Pattaya Go Go Bars will simply agree to it because they don’t want to have any problems and want to avoid conflict.”

My friend told me Pattaya Go Go Bars are punishing Japanese men  for being gentlemen.  For being good guys and for not being trouble makers.  The truth is that most bar girls take gentlemanly conduct for weakness.  And then they descend on kind and considerate men  like vultures.  Hoping to rip as much money out of their prey in the shortest time possible.  Most of the Japanese men in Pattaya Go Go Bars do not deserve such bad treatment.  Hopefully they can learn from this how to cope  with Pattaya go go bars.

You might also want to read “Japanese politeness is ruining Walking Street”

And Japanese wanting cheaper go go girls on Pattaya Walking Street