The Jack Corbett Asia Travelogue is a completely objective compellation of the writer’s travels in Asia. Since there’s no monetization involved, you will be getting the truth.
The reasons for integrating the Looking Glass Magazine with the Jack Corbett Pattaya Expats blog are:
- I wanted to replace it with the Pattaya Expats blog
- My focus had completely changed from the American adult entertainment industry to becoming a Thailand Expat.
But there’s a lot of Asian travel content in the Looking Glass Magazine. I took hundreds of pictures of my Asian travels. Most of them are in the Looking Glass. And I spent a lot of time writing travel articles in the Looking Glass.
There are over 50 issues of the Looking Glass Magazine. The Jack Corbett Funhouse blog is the Looking Glass Magazine’s replacement. But there’s still one more reason for integrating the Looking Glass with the Jack Corbett Fun House blog. Although I no longer have much interest in American strip clubs, many issues of the Looking Glass were all about American strippers, topless clubs, and major adult entertainment events I participated in as a professional photographer and writer. For those who would like to enjoy all that adult content of the Looking Glass and my web site, this travel section of the Funhouse blog is perhaps the bridge that many of you have been waiting for.
Thailand section Jack Corbett Asia Travelogue

Plumeria Serviced apartments on Wongamat Beach
Movie Time at Pattaya Long Beach Hotel
Beachs of Krabi and the Phi Phi Islands
North Pattaya’s Garden Cliff Resort
Dirt bike riding on Koh Samet’s rutted trails
Jack Corbett’s Twelve Wonders of Pattaya
Thailand’s best beaches, Krabi, Phi Phi Islands, and Railey
Driving motorbikes on Pattaya Koh Larn Island
Koh Chang Resorts 1 gets an A, the other an F–
Koh Chang’s hidden jewel–Resolution Resort
In Search of Thailand’s Perfect Beach
Koh Larn Island Motorbike Video
Vietnam section Jack Corbett Asia Travelogue

Places in Ho Chi Minh City you must Experience
Malaysia section

1967 disappearance of Jim Thompson, Thailand’s Silk King
Hong Kong Macau section