Category Archives: American adult entertainment

Jack Corbett search engine Alpha Productions Google

The Jack Corbett search engine is a custom Alpha Productions Google tool bar that prioritizes 20 years of Jack’s adult entertainment web pages.   And over 12 years of Jack’s misadventures living as an expat in Thailand.

This Jack Corbett search engine appears at the bottom of most of my Alpha Productions web pages as a large toolbar.  And it works just like the Google Search engine all of us are so familiar with. The reason it works the same is that it really is.   Except for two important differences. 1. To access it, you must be on one of my Alpha Productions web pages.  And 2.  It focuses  upon my content. And believe me there’s a lot of content at Alpha Productions.  Just consider that Alpha Productions has been in existence non stop since 1996. That’s 22 years.  Who else in adult entertainment has been on the Internet this long?

Why the Jack Corbett search engine is so invaluable

This Alpha Productions Google tool bar enables you to zero in the Alpha Productions web site in minute detail.

For instance, the video slide show I just put up at Alpha Productions alerted me to just how valuable this Google tool bar is to those who are interested in the content at Alpha Productions.  For example, Big Howard, who was assistant manager at the Dollies Playhouse, is one of the predominant characters in the slide show.  And so is Alabama who plays the irrepressible topless nun, Sister Margarita.

Jack Corbett Search
Taking Dollies Playhouse alone, there’s hundreds of funny pictures like this not to mention cartoons, whacky stories, etc you will probably never find unless you use the Jack Corbett Search Engine Alpha Productions Google toolbar.

Upon viewing Howard  sucking one of Diamond’s breasts in the Dollies Playhouse restroom a lot of people would perceive Big Howard as a despicable degenerate.  But Big Howard was in real life a gentle giant.   Most of the strippers who worked for him loved Big Howard to death.  Big Howard also became one of my best friends.

For those who want to know more about Big Howard, just plug in “Big Howard” as search words in the Alpha Productions Google tool bar.    You will be surprised at how much amusing content focuses on him.  There’s pictures of Howard playing the pervert with Dollies strippers on one of the club’s back stages. There’s Big Howard playing the part of Studmuffin. I’ll not even try to explain what studmuffin means here. Just look it up in the Google tool bar. Or how about Alabama or Marilyn Mynxxx.  The two strippers playing the two nuns, Sister Cuervo and Sister Margarita.  There’s a lot of good stuff at Alpha Productions about both women.

I actually had more fun in the U.S. back in 1997 and 1998 than I do here in Pattaya, Thailand which has to be about the most fun city in the world.

Jack Corbett search
Here’s Marilyn Mynxxx playing Sister Cuervo as she’s spanking Selena. Both girls were strippers at Dollies Playhouse in Washington Park, Illinois.  There are a lot more pictures here at Alpha Productions of both Marilyn Mynxxx and Alabama who play the roles of nuns at Dollies.  But you really need to use the Jack Corbett Search Engine Alpha Productions Google tool bar to find them.

Much of the reason was because of people like Big Howard, Alabama and Marilyn Mynxxx. A lot of it had to do with the strip clubs I hung out in, especially Dollies Playhouse. Back then, all the great entertainment and bars were not in St. Louis.  Why? For one thing the bars all closed across the Mississippi over in Missouri at 1 a.m. Whereas many of the bars and night clubs on the Illinois side of the river stayed open all night long.  And the Missouri strip clubs were pretty milk toast compared to those in the St. Louis Metro East on the Illinois side.

Back when I was hanging out at Dollies using it for my favorite neighborhood tavern, I often hung out with three strippers, and all three of them would stay at the same hotel.

At the end of their shifts, which would usually run between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. I’d often continue my drinking and partying with one of these three strippers.   And after the stripper and I  hit a few clubs and bars and got all tired out, I’d stay in the room with her.  Paying her half the $40.00 she had to spend for each night for her room.  Which was a godsend to me because back in 1997 I was still living at my farm.  Which was 75 miles from such clubs as Dollies whereas the hotel was just three miles away.   Later I moved off the farm to an apartment on the St. Louis East side that was just one mile from the hotel.

But there were many other strippers I often hung out with.  As for the East side,  the people I hung out with, and the hotel itself, much as changed.  The hotel is no longer there.  A large complex of restaurants and shops headed by a Super Wall Mart and a Home Depot has replaced it.  And Big Howard’s no longer alive.  A woman lost control of her car after being beaten up by her boyfriend as Howard was leaving Killians, his favorite bar.  The collision put Big Howard into a wheelchair.  Big Howard died a couple years later from his injuries.

Ironically a murderer was running Dollies Playhouse for an entire year while the club and I were having our best of times together

I  first started doing my digital pictures at Dollies.  Which was over 20 years ago.  I don’t think anyone was doing digital photography in strip clubs back then.  So I was just about the only game in town.  The club’s general manager was Hawk.  Hawk was a wonderful person and a terrific manager. (look him up in my Google toolbar at Alpha Productions).

Jack Corbett search would get this picture faster
Hawk and Alabama in the first episode of the Dollies Trendy Toilet internet series. Alabama is playing Sister Margarita, a nun who wanders into Dollies Playhouse to take a dump. Hawk the club manager doesn’t realize a woman’s in the toilet, let alone a nun. Hawk was an exceptional manager who realized he could get Dollies to be one of the absolute most popular clubs in the United States. He was quick to showcase how much fun a club like Dollies could be. He entered Satin in the Big Als Miss Nude Illinois Pageant. It’s too bad that he was working for a murderer, and that once the murderer was arrested, his days as general manager would be numbered.  The Jack Corbett Search Engine will take you to a lot of entertaining web pages here at Alpha Productions.

Hawk was a biker I suppose and he was friends with Marriah, one of the strippers at Dollies.

Marriah had become a great friend of mine. So it wasn’t long before Marriah started pestering Hawk to allow me to start taking pictures at Dollies and bring my laptop into the club. Now Hawk was a smart guy who knew intuitively that the future of photography would be digital. It was Hawk’s idea that the club should put in a special phone line for me.  And that I’d have my own special seat and table just five feet from the club’s main stage.

But it was left for one of the club’s strippers, Satin, and me to run all the phone wires up in the club’s attic.  Where we put in a connection so that I could connect my laptop to a phone line  by the stage.  Later Hawk would have me take Satin to Big Als in Peoria, Illinois to enter her in the Miss Nudes Illinois competition there representing Dollies.

I remember Hawk telling me, “If I can’t get the club to pay your hotel and other travel expenses, I will pay them out of my own pocket.” But Hawk got the club owner to pay Satin’s and my expenses in Peoria.

By now many of us suspected  that the owner of Dollies Playhouse was a killer who had murdered his partner.

Jack Corbett search engine
Marriah is on the far right. On the far left is Jade. To Jade’s right is Dirt who created over 100 cartoons for Alpha Productions. In the middle is Satin. Notice that everyone’s wearing special Alpha Productions jackets. Each jacket has the person’s nickname, stage name, etc on it. The Alpha Productions emblem, the Alpha Wolf, and the web site address on it. As we used to say in those days, “We are the only Game in Town”. And we were.
One of Dirt’s last cartoons in the Death on the Wild Side cartoon strip. Actually it was Marriah who wrote the script several cartoon strips back. It was her idea to capture the abusive male as the dickhead in this cartoon. And it was Marriah’s idea to introduce the Dominatrix. But after that Dirt took Marriah’s concept and ran with it.   The Jack Corbett search engine will find a lot of treasures such as this on the Alpha Productions web site.

It was Marriah who first alerted me that NathanEggemeyer had undoubtedly murdered his partner, Steven Masters. The second person who suggested the possibility was Hawk when he politely  asked me to come into his office with him.

“Can you help me find out what happened to Steve?” Hawk asked me. No one’s seen him for weeks but they found his pickup.” By then I already suspected that Steve was dead, thanks to Marriah cluing me in.  Hawk undoubtedly suspected foul play as well.

“Perhaps you can use your internet skills and connections to find out for me,” said Hawk.

But they didn’t find Steve’s body until a year later. Nathan and Steve had been partners, and one of them felt the other had cheated him.

Nathan shot Masters on a property he owned where he had a trucking company. But the body was not found until Nathan’s son came to the police. In the meantime, business went on as usual at Dollies. Nathan would come into the club every now and then.  But Nathan let Hawk run the place with very little interference. Hawk had several managers working under him, and both men would often enthusiastically play roles in our internet online skits.

For that matter, so did Hawk, who played the “unsuspecting club manager” in the first Dollies Trendy Toilet Sex” episode when Sister Margarita, an “intoxicated nun” wandered by mistake into a strip club to relieve her bowels.

Everything went so smoothly in those days. Hawk was left alone. And he kept coming up with great ideas on how the club could attract more customers than ever.

While I was allowed to take pictures with complete abandon. But after the body was found, Nathan was out of the picture.   After finding a new home in the penitentiary.  Hawk found himself more and more on the outside looking in as Steve’s widow started taking a more active interest in  the club.  The club started to severely restrict my picture taking activities.  And I was barred from the club for bringing leaches into Dollies which I had awarded to Alabama’s boyfriend for being the Lost Angels Leach of the Year.

Even so I remained great friends with Big Howard, not to mention a number of the Dollies dancers. But being kicked out of the club meant that I had to find another digital office where I could find a number of strippers to be my accomplices. That club would be Visions in Centerville, Illinois.

The possibilities for using the Jack Corbett search engine Alpha Productions Google tool bar are endless

Just look at all those links I’ve used here.  If I didn’t link all those separate Alpha Productions web pages, chances are you could never find them.   You would not have much luck using the regular Google search engine.  This is because too many inferior web sites keep popping up.  Or web sites that have absolutely nothing to do with what you are looking for.  But the custom Alpha Productions Google search tool bar Jack Corbett search engine focuses mostly on the 20 plus years of Alpha Production.  And the more than 1000 web pages that comprise the Alpha Productions web site.