You will find the shows of all nine Pattaya Dancing Queen Four contestants here. On this page you will find the shows of the first two.

I will be putting the videos of the following two contestants tomorrow, Then two more the next day. And put the final three shows up next. But I will not divulge who the winners are. There were three. One winning 20000 baht with the second-place girl getting 1000 baht and the third runner up getting 5000 baht.
The game’s on for those who wish to participate. Just go to my Facebook page. And tell us who your choices would have been for first, second and third place had you been one of the judges.
But I will tell you in advance that three judges I asked to come to the Pattaya Dancing Queen Four competition did not come. So, the manager at Hot Shots, the mamasan and I picked from who was at the contest and who was willing to be a judge. Needless to say, had I been a judge my choices for the top girls might have been very different from the girls wo won most of the money.