Four hours of unrelenting rain marooned us in Naklua Pen Bar with uncontrollable Pattaya bar girls. With flood waters 24 inches deep there was no escape.

“This is the first time hurricane come to Pattaya,” Pen with a smirk. I think you and Peter must spend night at bar,” she continued.
Peter and I had come to the bar five hours ago. Driving our motorbikes. But after five hours steady drinking we could see clearly now. That there was no way out for us. We’d just have to wait out the storm and suffer. Luckily there was an ATM nearby.
But is Peter man enough to stand up to these uncontrollable Pattaya bar girls?
Now there’s one thing that can be said about Peter. He’s a dedicated man of principle. The man’s Norwegian. He’s one of those hard nosed tough Scandinavians running those factory fishing boats north of the Arctic circle. Think Viking warrior of 800 ad. invading English monasteries. Pillaging every valuable in sight. While putting all the monks to the sword. And you have a fundamental understanding of Peter. The man’s on a ship for three months. Then he spends three months in Pattaya boozing it up and sleeping with a different woman every night. This man’s definitely worthy of his ancestors.
He’s as tough as nails. But there’s no way he’s getting home tonight until the raging storm lets up. Luckily he’s got a cast iron stomach. And luckily that in Norway he spends Twelve dollars for a can of beer. Because it’s going to take a lot of alcohol to quench his thirst tonight.
Who says you have to go to Pattaya’s Go Go Bars for a great time? Real expats such as Peter claim Walking Street’s only for tourists who don’t know any better.
Peter’s started out for just another typical night by his lonesome. But my girlfriend is sitting just to my right, which is pretty good reason for my repeatedly telling one of the bar girls to stop what she’s doing to me. But I have no choice. Other than resigning myself to being a victim of uncontrollable Pattaya bar girls. Girlfriend or no girlfriend. Because the storm will completely drench us before we get 100 meters down the road on our motorbikes.
We are stuck here for the duration. This has been absolutely one of our favorite neighborhood bars going on something like 7 years now. England has its neighborhood pubs. And the United States has its neighborhood taverns for the locals to hang out at. But we are eternally grateful to have places like this close by to our condos. Where the women are plentiful. The weather never turns too cold. So we can ride our motorbikes year round, drink as much as we want and never have to worry about the police giving us a DWI.